Papers of John Adams, volume 12

To Benjamin Franklin, 10 October 1781 JA Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin, 10 October 1781 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin
To Benjamin Franklin
Amsterdam Oct. 10. 1781 Sir

Your Favour of October 5. is just now brought to me, and I beg your Excellency to accept of my Thanks for your Congratulations on my Recovery, which is however, as yet but imperfect.

I am much Surprized to find, So many appearances, which seem to shew that certain neutral Powers of whose Sagacity and great Spirit, the World had formed an high opinion are amused and imposed upon by very trifling Artifices of the British Ministry. It is given out in the public Papers, that the British Court in their answer to the Mediating Courts, refuse to treat, with America, but as Sovereigns with Subjects. There is no difficulty in believing this to be true.1

I have heard nothing from Mr Dana, Since 31. July. On that day he wrote a Line from Berlin, to a Gentleman in this Town,2 supposing me absent. Since which I have no News of him.

I know nothing, of the Resolution to exchange Gen. Burgoine for Mr Laurens, but by common Report.

I doubt not that England might be Supplied with Masts from America, if america is not upon her Guard to prevent it. Masts may be cleared out, from America, to France, Spain Holland or elsewhere, and go to the W. I. Islands, Hallifax, Bermudas. But the 9 most probable Artifice would be to fall in with B. Cruisers by Agreement in certain Latitudes, and be taken. All this can be concerted easily( between a British Minister and an american Traiter. A fine Cargo of Masts from america was lately carried into Bermudas, and enabled those Islanders, immediately to fit for Sea a Number of Privateers. British Navigation publick and private in every Part of the World, is at this moment in great distress for Masts. If the Exportation from America is not wholly stopped, they will obtain Some supply from thence. It is much to be feared that other Countries as well as Holland have their Beilands, who, think, if they are not so frank as he was to declare, “Que si pour gagner dans le Commerce, il falloit passer par l’Enfer, il hazarderoit de bruler ses Voiles.”3

Inclosed is a List,4 of the Bills accepted by me, which, with those your Excellency has received before, is compleat up to this day. But I am Surprized at your Excellencys observation that it is a Demand you had no previous Knowledge of.

If your Excellency, will be so good as to look into the Letter which I had the Honour to write you, on the Eighth of May last, you will find these Words. “Yesterday were presented to me, fifty Bills of Exchange, for Eleven hundred Guilders each drawn by Congress upon me, on the 27 day of January 1781, at Six Months Sight. And on the Same day, other Bills from Number 37 to Number 76 inclusively drawn on me on the Same 27 day of January 1781, for Five hundred and fifty Guilders each, payable at Six months Sight were presented to me. I asked Time to write to your Excellency, to know, if those Bills and the others drawn at the Same time, can be discharged by you. If they cannot, it will be wrong to accept them, for I have no Prospect, at all of getting the Money here &c.”

And in my Letter to your Excellency of May 23. 1781, are these Words “I have received from Congress, their Resolution of 3 January 1781 to draw Bills upon me, in favour of Lee and Jones, at Six months Sight for the full Amount of the Ballance due on the Contract made with them, for a quantity of cloathing for the Army. I have also a Letter from Mr Gibson of the Treasury office of Jan. 28, which informs me, that the amount of Jones and Lees Account, is Sixteen Thousand, two hundred and forty four Pounds, one Shilling Sterling.” Both these Letters your Excellency received.5

In your Excellencys Letter to me of May 19. 1781,6 you Say “I was much Surprized to find by your Letter, that the Congress continue drawing So largely on you, without knowing whether you have any Funds in hand. You mention Numbers from 37 to 76 inclusively. 10 Perhaps all the preceeding Numbers and many Succeeding ones may Soon appear also.” After proceeding to Several other observations, and informing me of Mr Lovels Letter to you, and referring me to a Copy of a Letter from M. Le Cte de Vergennes to you &c you Add “But to the Point the Bills you mention must be paid, and if you accept them, I will answer your Drafts for that Purpose as they become due.”

All the Bills drawn, on the 27. of last January, excepting 3 or 4 have been presented to me and accepted, which make the greatest Part of the Sum, which your Excellency mentions as falling due in Nov. Decr. Jany. and Feb. next. The rest is made up of Bills drawn on Mr Laurens, on the 6th of July 1780. These I had your Excellencys previous Request to accept, and promise to discharge. It is remarkable that the Bills drawn on Mr Laurens on the 6 of July 1780 have arrived here very slowly, and a large Parcell of them by the Numbers are not yet arrived.

I have never accepted a Single Bill but upon your Excellencys express advice, and promise to discharge it: and I never shall accept one, untill your Excellency is informed of it, and expressly consents to pay it, unless I should have Funds elsewhere. Of this there is no Probability at all. My Loan Stands, where I told you at Paris. And there it infallibly will remain, a long time, at least untill it is decided, what Persons are to govern and what System is to prevail in this Country, which will not be for Months perhaps not for Years, and possibly Somewhat tragical may precede, which however God forbid.

It would be ridiculous in me to accept a Bill, before I knew your Intentions concerning it, when I certainly know, that I cannot obtain the Money any where but from you to pay it—nor even for my own subsistance.

I beg your Excellencys answer by the Post, whether I am to go on accepting the Remainder of the Bills drawn on Mr Laurens the 6 of July 1780, as they shall be presented to me, or whether I am to Stop my Hand. I cannot venture to accept another without explicit Information from your Excellency that there is no Misunderstanding, of the Business.

I have the Honour to be, very respectfully, Sir &c

LbC (Adams Papers)


See JA’s letter to Vergennes, 21 July, and note 3 (vol. 11:431–434).


Probably Jean de Neufville. In his letterbook copy Dana noted that he directed Neufville to forward a letter to the president of Congress written on 28 July at Berlin 11 (MHi:Dana Family Papers, Francis Dana Letterbook, 1780–1781).


JA presumably quotes Adm. Lodewijk van Bylandt, the commander of a Dutch naval force protecting a large merchant fleet that the British seized at the end of 1779 (vol. 9:75–76). Adams printed this letter in the Boston Patriot of 7 July 1810 and translated this passage as “if to make a profit by his commerce, it were necessary to pass through the infernal regions, he would take the risk of burning his sails.”


Not found.


See vol. 11:309–310, 328–330.


See vol. 11:324–327.

To Ferdinand Grand, 12 October 1781 JA Grand, Ferdinand To Ferdinand Grand, 12 October 1781 Adams, John Grand, Ferdinand
To Ferdinand Grand
Amsterdam October 12. 1781 Sir

I have received your Favours of September 14 and 28th.1 but, by reason of an Amsterdam Fever, which they call an Introduction to the Freedom of the City, have not been able to answer them untill now.

The article of L2411: 9s: 9d, which Mr Dana requested your Father you to pay me, arose in this manner. Mr Dana was here, bound to Paris and was Suspicious that he had not cash enough to bear his Expences on the Road. He desired me to lend him that Sum, merely to avoid the Inconvenience of opening an account, here for a Single article, with Messrs Fizeaux and Grand. When he arrived at Paris he desired you to repay me, and he gave Credit for so much recd of Dr Franklin. The Dr therefore has only to consider this as so much paid to Mr Dana of his Salary and all will Stand right.

Mr Bondfields account for L390: 12s, you will be so good as to pay him for me. I have given Credit for it as paid.

I inclose you, the Account, as it now stands exactly between Us, according to Dr Franklins Proposal.2

For the Wine, you will allow me, as you please. I wish I could have the Pleasure of drinking it with you at Passy or amsterdam, to Save the trouble of accounts.

I have the Honour to be, &c

LbC (Adams Papers).


From Henry Grand, 14 Sept. (vol. 11:484–485). The 28 Sept. letter has not been found.


Enclosure not found. For Franklin’s proposal, see vol. 11:484.

From Benjamin Franklin, 12 October 1781 Franklin, Benjamin JA From Benjamin Franklin, 12 October 1781 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John
From Benjamin Franklin
Passy, Oct. 12. 1781 Sir

I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. Instant.


I have never known a Peace made, even the most advantageous, that was not censured as inadequate, and the Makers condemn’d as injudicious or corrupt. Blessed are the Peace makers, is I suppose to be understood in the other World: for in this they are more frequently cursed. Being as yet rather too much attached to this World, I had therefore no Ambition to be concerned in fabricating this Peace: and know not how I came to be put into the Commission. I esteem it however an honour to be joined with you in so important a Business; and if the Execution of it shall happen in my Time, which I hardly expect, shall endeavour to assist in discharging the Duty according to the best of my Judgment.

Immediately on receipt of the Commission and Instructions, I communicated them, as directed, to this Court. The Steps that have been taken in the Mediation were verbally communicated to me, but as yet I have had no Copies given me of the Papers. I ask’d if it was not proper to communicate to the Ministers of the Mediating Powers, the Commission of Congress impowering us to accept their Mediation; and was advised to post-pone it a little. I will endeavour on Tuesday next, to obtain for you a Copy of the Answer of the British Court which you desire, and will consult on the Propriety of mentioning our Commission in the Publick Papers.

I have heard nothing of Mr Jefferson. I imagine the Story of his being taken Prisoner is not true. From his original Unwillingness to leave America when I was sent hither, I think his Coming doubtful, unless he had been made aquainted with and consented to the appointment.

I hope your health is fully established. I doubt not but you have the Advice of skilful Physicians, otherwise I should presume to offer mine, which would be, though you find yourself well, to take a few Doses of Bark, by way of fortifying your Constitution, and preventing a Return of your Fever.

With the greatest Respect, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant B Franklin

PS. Oct 16 1781. I have just received the Honour of yours dated the 18th.1 which I will answer per next Post. In the mean time will concert with Mr. Grand some means of Paying the Bills of which you send me a List, and take my chance for the Ability of paying other Demands upon me: in which God help me. Not finding these Bills in any of your preceding Lists made me think I had no previous advice of them. I inclose a Copy of a Letter from Capt Jackson 13 to me,2 I have a Copy of another from Mr. Searle to Mr. Jay of the same Tenour. I shall send it in my next.3

RC and enclosure (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Dr Franklin Oct. 12. 1781. ansd. 22.” For the enclosure, see note 2.


Franklin clearly is referring to JA’s letter of 10 Oct., above.


William Jackson’s letter from La Coruña, Spain, was dated 26 Sept. (Franklin, Papers , 35:529–531). According to Jackson, Alexander Gillon, “with a degree of baseness which would sully the blackest Character on Record, has violated his contract with Colonel Laurens in every instance,” and thus the bills of exchange that Gillon had “fraudulently obtained” during the South Carolina’s voyage from the Netherlands were void. Jackson inclosed a list of those bills and reported that Gillon had detained him on board the South Carolina to prevent him from going ashore and informing the merchants that the bills were invalid. For Gillon’s contract, which required him to proceed to Philadelphia via the northern route around the British Isles, see vol. 11:293–296. By the time the enclosure arrived, JA already had received a letter from Jackson, also dated 26 September. There Jackson again criticized Gillon’s conduct, but was more concerned about what he should do with CA, whose care had been entrusted to him. JA replied on 20 Oct. and left it to Jackson’s judgment as to the best means to facilitate CA’s return to America ( Adams Family Correspondence , 4:219–220, 228–229).


See Franklin’s letter of 22 Oct., note 2, below.