Papers of John Adams, volume 12

302 From Leendert de Neufville, 8 March 1782 Neufville, Leendert de JA From Leendert de Neufville, 8 March 1782 Neufville, Leendert de Adams, John
From Leendert de Neufville
Amsterdam 8 March 1782 Sir

Being called upon this morning for the payment of an interest coupon of your Excellencys loan which was accordingly discharged—it made me remember whether we ought not to make an advertisement about it in the newspapers. As the last time it was often repeated I wants propose making it at present very plain which if any might have perhaps as much or new influence with the public. The Chief question however is in which terms it Should be couched—whether in your Excellencys name or merely that the interest of Such a loan is annually paid at J d N & S. If it was possible to receive Your directions by return of post I Should esteem it as a favour because then I might have the advertisement inserted on monday—it being already a little over the time.1 I hope that Your Excellency found S.A.2 wel disposed on her birth day and ready to write Circular letters to favour the motion of friesland but I am however a little afraid that She wil be oblidged like Genl Conway to repent it may it meet in the Case with Similar Support. I have the honour to be with deep veneration respect Sir Your Excellencys Most Obedt & very humble serv L:

de Neufville Son of Jn3

RC (Adams Papers).


This refers to the loan opened by JA in 1781. The proposed advertisement appeared in the Gazette de Leyde of 15 and 22 March 1782. It announced that “Son Exc. Mr. John Adams sera payer au Comptoir de Mrs Jean de Neufville & Fils à Amsterdam, durant le cours du present mois de mars, les Mercredis et Samedis depuis 9. heures du matin jusqu’à midi, les Coupons d’Intéréts, éclus le 1 Mars, de l’Emprunt à un Million de Florins à la charge des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique-Septentrionale.”


Probably “Son Altesse,” or “Her Highness,” meaning Wilhelmina, Princess of Orange.


This letter is written on a sheet that has been folded into four pages. On the third page is an undated note: “Mr. John de Neufville & Son presents their most Respectfúll Compliments to His Excellency John Adams Esqr. and agreable to the information the Honorable Thomas Barclay Esqr. hath given them, that he apprehended no further difficúlties should occúr in the settling finally the búsiness, Yoúr Excellency having no objection to the arrangement proposed about the guarantee, the Notary will have orders to wait on yoúr Excellency in Conseqúence tomorrow morning at ten o Clock, if not inconvenient.” It is not known to what settlement or guarantee this note refers. The only recent reference to such an undertaking is in Thomas Barclay’s letter of 29 Dec. 1781, above.