Papers of John Adams, volume 12

From Jean Luzac, 19 March 1782 Luzac, Jean JA From Jean Luzac, 19 March 1782 Luzac, Jean Adams, John
From Jean Luzac
Leyden 19th. March 1782 Honorable Sir

The Committee of the corporate Body of Merchants, Manufacturers and Traders of this City have charged me, as their Counsel, to present Your Excellency with two printed Copies of the Petition, they have put up Monday last to the Great-Council of Leyden, in order to pray for the conclusion of commercial connexions with the United-States of America.1 They hope, Your Excellency will accept those Copies as a testimony of their regard for You, Sir, as the Representative of a State, which they desire to call soon, with full and avowed right, their Sister-Republic. My love for my Country, my inclination for yours, my respect for your character, public and private, these are all motives, Sir, which make this commission one of the most agreeable I could ever perform in my life.2

I am with the sincerest and most perfect regard, Sir, Your Excellency’s Most obedient and very humble Servant J. Luzac

RC and enclosure (Adams Papers).


Only one copy of the petition of 18 March signed by 64 merchants, manufacturers, and traders, is in the Adams Papers. JA included an English translation in his letter of 19 March to Robert R. Livingston, calendared above, and reprinted the translation in A Collection of State-Papers, 1782, p. 26–34.

Luzac, whom JA credited as the author (to Edmund Jenings, 3 April, below), gave a more detailed account of the petition’s origins in a letter to John Thaxter of 19 March (copy, Adams Papers). Luzac remarked upon the unanimity of the merchants in their desire for a commercial treaty with the United States and had “l’honneur de dire à Mr. Adams, que le Corps de la Nation desiroit339 vivement la reconnoissance de l’Independance Americaine” (the honor to inform Mr. Adams that the body of the nation eagerly wished for the recognition of American independence). He indicated that the burgomasters had graciously received the petition and that the council agreed unanimously to direct their deputies in the States of Holland to insist vigorously that the wishes of the people be fulfilled.


In his letter to Thaxter, Luzac apologized for his letter to JA, having had time only for a short note in poor English.

To Jean Luzac, 20 March 1782 JA Luzac, Jean To Jean Luzac, 20 March 1782 Adams, John Luzac, Jean
To Jean Luzac
Amsterdam 20th March 1782 Sir

This morning I recd. the Letter, which You did me the honor to write me on the 19th. of this month with the two Copies inclosed, of the Petition of the Merchants, Manufacturers and Traders of Leyden, to the Great Council of that City, praying for the Conclusion of commercial Connections with the U. States of America.

You will be pleased to present my Acknowledgments to the respectable Body, whose Intentions You execute, for their obliging Attention to me, which does me much honor: and it is with great sincerity that I join in their Wishes and rejoice in the pleasing Prospect, of seeing the two Republicks acknowledged to be Sisters, which cannot fail to have the most favorable Effects upon the Manufactures, Commerce and Prosperity of Leyden.

Accept of my particular thanks, Sir, for the affectionate and obliging manner in which You have made the Communication and believe me to be, with sincere Esteem and great Respect, Sir, your most obedient & most humble Servant.

LbC in John Thaxter’s hand (Adams Papers).

From Thomas Digges, 20 March 1782 Digges, Thomas JA From Thomas Digges, 20 March 1782 Digges, Thomas Adams, John
From Thomas Digges
Hotel First Bible Wednesy night 10 oClock 20 March 1782 Sir

I am just arrivd here from London, and instead of personally waiting upon You I make so free as to send a messenger with this and its inclosure together with a few late News Papers.

I have a matter of publick moment to mention to You; As well as to speak to a private affair of consequence to myself which will I think lead me in a very few days to Dr. F at Paris. My present purpose is to beg for half an hours conversation with You. I am at present, and shall be for tomorrow, totally unknown in the Hotel, a line340 directed for me, or any message to the Gentn who arrivd this night and lodges in the Room No 10 will be duly attended to.

I am with Great Respect Sir Your very Ob Servt T. Digges

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “John Adams Esqr”; endorsed: “M. Diggs Letter from the first Bible.” and “Mr Hartley.”; by John Thaxter: “Mr. Hartley Feby. 19. March 11th. 1782.”