Papers of John Adams, volume 13

From James Jay, 19 July 1782 Jay, James JA From James Jay, 19 July 1782 Jay, James Adams, John
From James Jay
London July 19. 1782 Sir

My arrival in this kingdom is a matter so trivial in itself, that I should not think of saying any thing to Your Excellency about it, if certain paragraphs in some of the Public Papers did not seem to render it proper at this Juncture.1

I cannot suppose that those paragraphs, suggesting that I am authorised by Congress to negotiate with the British Court, can at any rate make the least impression on You; or even impose on any persons but those who are utterly ignorant of the circumstances of my coming here; on which fact alone, that falshood, and all the others connected with it, are built. But as I presume the circumstances I allude to, may be unknown to you, I think it not amiss to give you a little sketch of them, which will be sufficient to enable you, if it should ever be worth while, to expose the misrepresentation.

I was taken prisoner in the Jerseys, carried to N. York and confined 3 weeks in the Provost. Sir Guy Carleton's arrival, and the new System of conduct he brought with him, released me from confinement. On the same principle however on which I was confined, it was thought improper to exchange me, or to permit me to return on parole within our own Lines, for some months; in order, by that severity, to deter others from renewing the Scheme, which, they alledge, I was concerned in, of getting Specie from New York and Long Island, to relieve the necessities, and carry on the public business, of our State. Finding myself thus condemned to pass the time in idleness, and among Tories, in the British Lines, I applied, a day or two after my release, for leave to go to the Continent of Europe, and return again in the Autumn, unless my exchange should be effected before that time. This request I was indulged in, with an exception against going to France. The time allowed me to perform the voyage being but short, and the Packet ready to sail, I embraced that opportunity of coming to Europe to prevent the disagreeableness of a late passage home, which a longer continuance in N. York would subject me to. Thus, Sir, it is evident that Congress knew nothing, and could know nothing of my coming abroad. Neither had I been in Philadelphia, nor held any communication with that Honble. Body for some months before I was taken.

I am happy in the present opportunity of congratulating your Excellency on the success of your negotiation with the States of Hol-188land: and of assuring You that I am, with great respect & esteem, Your Excellency's Most Obedt: & humle. Servt:

James Jay

RC (Adams Papers).


Sir James Jay was John Jay's brother and served as JA's physician when he was living at Auteuil outside Paris. For a sketch of James Jay that touches on his political problems, see AFC , 3:14–15. The Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser of 10 July stated that “a report prevailed last night, that Sir James Jay is arrived express from Congress with proposals of preliminaries for an accommodation.”

To Edmund Jenings, 20 July 1782 JA Jenings, Edmund To Edmund Jenings, 20 July 1782 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund
To Edmund Jenings
The Hague 20. July 1782 Sir

The more I reflect upon the late Revolution in the British Ministry the more I am Struck, with the Conduct of Mr Fox. I am become, upon certain Conditions his Admirer, and almost wish to be his Friend!. The Conditions are two

1. That his Conduct has been the Result of Deliberation and Judgment, not of mere Jealousy Ambition, or Resentment.

2. That he has Patience and Fortitude enough to persevere, to the End.1

His Conduct, appears to me Such, as that of a Man whose large Mind embraced, the whole Scheme of the Affairs and Relations of his Country, and capable of Seizing the only Clue which remained for extricating her out of that Entanglement in which the old Ministry had left her, ought to have been. If he stands fast upon the Ground he has taken, he will Shew himself worthy to be the Man of the People,2 and must finally prevail, if his Idea had been adopted and3 America declared a Sovereign State by Act of Parliament, the Way would have been clear, for the King to consent, that the two Imperial Courts Should immediately acknowledge American Independence by Admitting Mr Dana to Sign the Treaty of armed Neutrality, or otherwise as they pleased and invite Dr Franklin and Mr Jay to a Congress, for a general Peace, under their Mediation. These Combinations of Objects, are easy and natural although one of the Objects is unweildy, I mean the Armed Neutrality. As it is in the Power of this body So easily to pacify the World, it is their Duty to do it, by acknowledging the United states. Peace would soon follow.

Pray has not Parliament Seperated4 without agreeing to the Taxes for Paying the Interest of the last Loan? Is not this unprecedented? and what will be the Consequence? Will it not wound public Credit?


Lord Shelburne, had it in his Power to have pacified the World, and has failed. Mr Fox saw how to do it, but shelburnes opposition took away from him the Power. But5 shelburne would not have opposed, if Franklin had not piddled. If Vergennes and Franklin had decidedly refused to see any Agent about Peace, who had not a Commission and full Powers to treat with the United states of America the British stocks and Spirits would have fallen so low that shelburne and all the rest would have been compelled to have adopted Mr Fox's present Idea. But F. must make himself a Man of Consequence by piddling with Men who had no Title. But thus it is, that Men of great Reputations may do as many Weak Things as they please, and to remark their Mistakes is to envy them.6 I neither envy him however, nor his confidential Agent Mr Alexander. His base Jealousy of me and his Sordid Envy of my Commission for making Peace, and especially of my Commission for making a Treaty of Commerce with Great Britain have Stimulated him to attempt to commit an assassination upon my Character at Philidelphia,7 of which the World has not Yet heard, and of which it cannot hear untill the Time shall come when many voluminous state Papers may be laid before the Publick, which ought not to be, untill We are all dead. But this I Swear, I will affirm when and where I please that he has been actuated and is still by a low Jealousy and a meaner Envy of me, let the C. Vergennes or F. himself complain of it again to congress if they please, it would be my Joy to answer there in Person or by Letter. The anonimous scribbler charged me with clandestinely hurting Franklin.8 I have done nothing clandestinely. I have complained of Franklins Behaviour, in Company with Americans so I have in Company with the French and Spanish Ambassadors, without any Injunctions or desires of Seccresy. This is an odd Sort of Clandestinity. That I have no Friendship for Franklin I avow. That I am incapable of having any with a Man of his moral Sentiments, I avow. As Far as cruel Fate shall compell me to act with him in publick affairs, I shall treat him with decency and perfect Impartiallity, further than that I can feel for him no other sentiments than Contempt or Abhorrence. In my Soul I believe of him all that Burke says of shelburne.9 Yet to undertake to lay before the public all the Reasons I have for believing so would do more hurt at present than his Neck and mine too are both worth, and therefore I have Said and shall say as little about it, as is consistent with my Honour. Will you give my affectionate Regards to Mr Laurens and tell him, that all that is said by the anonimous scribbler is a Lye. That if he will 190accept of this Mission I will resign it in a Moment. That I love and esteem him, and ever did, and have ever openly publickly and privately avowed it.

Adieu, my dear sir Adieu

J. Adams

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “His Excellency Mr Adams July 20th. 1782.” LbC (Adams Papers).


The two conditions governing JA's admiration for Fox were, within the American context, substantive because Fox's resignation, in fact, had reflected his personal and political animosity toward Shelburne at least as much as it did a principled stand regarding American independence. But they also reflect JA's lingering doubts about the commitment of any British politician to a peace settlement acceptable to the Americans, even those who professed to favor recognizing American independence. For JA's earlier comments criticizing ostensibly pro-American British politicians, including Fox, for, among other things, being more interested in the “Loaves and Fishes” of office as opposed to having any sincere interest in a settlement with America, see vol. 9:328–329; 10:360.


A popular term used to refer to Fox that was derived from his involvement in the Association Movement that began at the very end of 1779. The goal of the movement was parliamentary and economic reform, and Fox's support for its proposals led to his 1780 election to the House of Commons from Westminster (Stanley Ayling, The Life of Charles James Fox, London, 1991, p. 75–85). For the Association Movement and JA's opinion of it, see vol. 8:353–354, 372–373; 9:83–85.


In the Letterbook copy, the text is underlined from here to the end of the sentence.


Parliament was prorogued on 11 July and did not meet again until 26 November. It was largely this four-month recess from having to deal with Parliament that enabled the Shelburne ministry, which was lacking a sure majority in the House of Commons, to conclude preliminary peace treaties with the United States, France, and Spain. Shelburne's weakness in Parliament is evident from his ministry's fall in early 1783, when he could not command a majority in the debates over the preliminaries ( Parliamentary Hist. , 23:203; Scott, British Foreign Policy , p. 322–323, 334–335).


This and the following four sentences are underlined in the Letterbook copy.


JA's use of the word “piddling” earlier in this paragraph indicates that he saw Franklin in much the same light as John Dickinson, whom he had called a “piddling Genius” in 1775 for procrastinating on the issue of American independence (vol. 3:89).


In June 1781 Congress created a joint peace commission, thereby superseding JA's 1779 commission as the sole minister empowered to negotiate an Anglo-American peace treaty, and in July 1781 it revoked his authority to conclude an Anglo-American commercial treaty. JA blamed this outcome on Franklin's letter to Congress of 9 Aug. 1780 in which, at the behest of Vergennes, Franklin sharply criticized JA's diplomacy and his attitude toward France. In fact, however, Congress' revocation of the commissions was due as much to representations by the Chevalier de La Luzerne, the French minister at Philadelphia, as it was to Franklin's letter (vol. 11:368–377, 434–435; Franklin, Papers , 33:162–163).


See Edmund Jenings to JA, 6 June, enclosure, above. For more information on the various anonymous letters JA received, see Monitor to JA, 20 May, especially note 1, above.


JA presumably refers to Edmund Burke's comments regarding Shelburne in his speech of 9 July concerning Shelburne's replacement of Rockingham and Fox's resignation. There Burke reportedly ended by declaring that “if lord Shelburne was not a Cataline, or a Borgia in morals, it must not be ascribed to any thing but his understanding.” Earlier in his speech he had compared Shelburne to the wolf impersonating Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother ( Parliamentary Hist. , 23:183).