Papers of John Adams, volume 13

From Jacob Roorda, 12 May 1782 Roorda, Jacob JA From Jacob Roorda, 12 May 1782 Roorda, Jacob Adams, John
From Jacob Roorda
Harlinqué Le 12e. mai 1782 Monsieur

Selon votre desir je prens la Liberté de vous Envoÿer celle ci en François, mais comme cette Langue ne m'est pas Si familliere, de pouvoir vous marquer tout ce que j'ai dit dans ma precedente et comme je ne doute pas ou vous aurez bien la bonté de m'excuser, quand j'ÿ commets tant et plus des Fautes,1 La Semaine passée j'ai pris la Liberté de vous marquer mes Vrais Sentiments à L'Egard de L'independance, des traise Etats de L'Amerique, en vous temoingnant ma reconnoissance pour vous, qui est venu ici, pour procurer à votre comme à notre Republique un traité bien avantageux le quel produira un Heureux avenir, et je Souhaitois que vous eussiez le bonheur d'être Couronné du bon Succes; et comme La Province de Frise est glorieuse de ce quelle à eté la Premiere qui à Conclue à 20cet important Evenement, et que les Habitans et Les Etudiants de la Ville de Franeker2 Sont à Comble de leur Joÿe, qu'ils font faire un feux d'Artifice, le quel dit on Sera fort Joli, Si vous eussiez le desir de venir voir la Province de Frise, ou Si vous aviez de L'inclination de voir ce feux d'Artifice, pour etre temoin de la reconnoissance de Ses Jeunes gens pour ce noble Evenement ils vous auront beaucoup de l'oblgation de vouloir bien assister à Cette Fête. Je vous prie de vouloir avoir la bonté de venir Chez moÿ, je vous offre en bon Frison ma Maison, et je ferai tout mon pouvoir de vous faire le temps que vous passerez ici aussi agreable qu'il me Sera possible, vous m'obligerez infinement.

Je me flatte que vous M'honnorerez d'une reponse Satisfaisante,3 alors j'aurai L'honneur de vous marquer le temps precis, quand on aura cette Fête; en attendant je me recommande dans vos bonnes graces, et Suis avec un profond Respect, Monsieur, Votre Tres Humble et Obeïssant Serviteur

Jacob Roorda
Jacob Roorda to John Adams: A Translation, 12 May 1782 Roorda, Jacob JA Jacob Roorda to John Adams: A Translation, 12 May 1782 Roorda, Jacob Adams, John
Jacob Roorda to John Adams: A Translation
Harlingen, 12 May 1782 Sir

According to your wish, I take the liberty of writing this in French, but as this language is not so familiar to me, I will not include everything that I wrote in my preceding letter and have no doubt that you will be so kind as to excuse my many errors.1 Last week, I took the liberty of writing to you with my true feelings regarding the independence of the thirteen American states and also as proof of my gratitude to you for coming here in order to obtain a treaty between your republic and ours, a treaty that will prove advantageous to a happy future, and I wished that you would be successful. And, as the province of Friesland takes glory in being the first to recognize this important event, and as the inhabitants and students of the town of Franeker2 are so overjoyed, there are going to be very beautiful fireworks to see, should you have the desire to come to Friesland. These young people will be very obliged to you if you could attend the celebration to be witness to their recognition of this noble event. Like any good Frieslander, I offer you my home, and I will do everything possible to make your stay here agreeable. This would greatly oblige me.

I flatter myself that you will honor me with a satisfactory reply,3 then I will be able to tell you the exact date of the celebration. Meantime, I wish to remain in your good graces and am with deep respect, sir, your very humble and obedient servant

Jacob Roorda

RC (Adams Papers).


Roorda had written on 5 May in Dutch (Adams Papers). JA apparently requested that Roorda write again in French so that he could read it, but no note to Roorda contain-21ing such a request has been found. The letter of 5 May was longer and more detailed, indicating, for example, that the fireworks display was expected to take place in early June, but in substance it was virtually the same.


Franeker is located in Friesland, five miles east of Harlingen. Its university, which was closed in 1811 under the French occupation, had been founded in 1584 and was a center of patriot support in 1782 (George Edmundson, History of Holland, Cambridge, England, 1922, p. 188; Simon Schama, Patriots and Liberators, N.Y., 1977, p. 78, 619).


See JA's reply of 16 May, below.