Papers of John Adams, volume 13

251 From Antoine Marie Cerisier, 18 August 1782 Cerisier, Antoine Marie JA From Antoine Marie Cerisier, 18 August 1782 Cerisier, Antoine Marie Adams, John
From Antoine Marie Cerisier
Amsterdam 18 Aout 1782 Excellence

J'ai vu ici Mr le Comte de Sharsfield qui m'a fait l'honneur de me rendre visite; il m'a parlé du manuscrit qu'il vous avait communiqué et m'a paru même desirer que j'en eusse aussi communication;1 il m'a renvoyé au tens où il aurait terminé son voyage qu'il ne fait disait-il, que pour mettre la derniére main à cet ouvrage; je ne doute cependant que, s'il était à la Haye, il fit la moindre difficulté de me le procurer pour deux ou trois jours; il y a certaines choses que je voudrais bien examiner; si vous n'aviez aucune objection à me l'envoyer par Mr Guild. Je vais me jetter bientôt sur le grand sujet de la pacification générale; j'ai vu vos reflexions dans le Courier du Bas-Rhin et dans la gazette de Leide; je pourrai en ajouter des miennes;2 je desirerai beaucoup d'avoir le traité de commerce, tel qu'il se trouve actuellement arrangé. Je vous prie d'etre persuadé de l'entier dévoument & de la profonde venération avec les quelles j'ai l'honneur d'être votre très humble & très obeissant servit

A M. Cerisier

Si vous aviez a m'écrire confidentiellement, je vous prierai de mettre cette adresse à Mr Lainé Horloger vis à vis de la Tour de la mon noye3 pour remettre à Mr Robert.

Antoine Marie Cerisier to John Adams: A Translation, 18 August 1782 Cerisier, Antoine Marie JA Antoine Marie Cerisier to John Adams: A Translation, 18 August 1782 Cerisier, Antoine Marie Adams, John
Antoine Marie Cerisier to John Adams: A Translation
Amsterdam, 18 August 1782 Excellency

I had the honor of a visit from Mr. Sarsfield here. He spoke to me about a manuscript that he sent to you, and he seemed to want me to see a copy of it also.1 He deferred giving me a copy until after his trip, which, he said, he was only making to put final touches on this work. I doubt that he had the least bit of difficulty in getting it for me for a few days while he was at The Hague. There are some things in it that I would like to look at closely. If you have no objections, send it to me by way of Mr. Guild. I will soon be plunging into the great subject of general pacification. I saw your thoughts in the Courier du Bas-Rhin and the Gazette de Leyde, to which I could add my own.2 I would really like to have a copy of the commercial treaty as it stands now. I ask you to be persuaded of my entire devotion and deep veneration, with which I have the honor to be, your very humble and very obedient servant

A M. Cerisier

If you need to write to me confidentially, please use this address, at Mr. Lainé, watchmaker, opposite the mint tower,3 to be delivered to Mr. Robert.

RC (Adams Papers).

252 1.

For Guy Claude, Comte de Sarsfield, see vol. 9:228–229. The manuscript that he sent to JA cannot be identified from Cerisier's description. Sarsfield wrote to JA on 10 Sept. (Adams Papers), indicating that he had sent JA a manuscript that morning that touched on events in the Swiss canton of Bern, but that cannot be otherwise identified. At breakfast on 8 Oct., Sarsfield gave JA his essay on slavery dated 27 Sept. and entitled “Quelques Considérations sur L'Esclavage, La Servitude De La Glebe, L'Etat de Liberté qui leur a succedé Et les Effects qui Resultent des uns Et des autres.” That essay is included in a 280-page collection of Sarsfield's writings in the Adams Papers that included pieces on the constitution of the Netherlands; the provincial constitutions of Utrecht, Gelderland, Friesland, Zeeland, Groningen, Drenthe, and Overijssel; the banks of Holland; the dikes of the Netherlands; the development of civilization; economics; and women (filmed at ca. 1782–1783, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 359).


This is JA's A Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, ca. 5–8 July , above, that appeared in the two papers on 10 and 13 Aug., respectively. It appeared in Cerisier's Le politique hollandais of 26 August.


Located in Sophia Pleine or Square in the middle of Amsterdam.