Papers of John Adams, volume 13

From Wilhem & Jan Willink, 14 October 1782 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) JA From Wilhem & Jan Willink, 14 October 1782 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John
From Wilhem & Jan Willink
Sir Amsterdam Oct: 14. 1782

In answer to your most esteemed favoúr of 12 Curr. we shall have tomorrow morning a conversation with M. Charles Storer to be ac-530quainted with the articles, he chuses to fill up the trunck which we have received bÿ your Excellency's order, and we shall take the utmost Care to procure the best goods at the lowest rate and sent it, if possible by Cap: Coffin to the Address of Isaac Smith Esqr. of Boston to be forwarded to Mrs. Adams of Braintree.

We beg leave to ask, if your Excellencÿ wants a coach with four places together with foúr horses and to keep these horses with the Coachman the whole journeÿ along with him at Paris in that case we have to observe, that it is impossible to proceed the voyage as quck as if your Excellencÿ takes fresh horses in different places for the horses must rest by and bÿ, therefore we wait for further information to act according the desire of your Excellencÿ and than we Shall take care of a Strong and decent Coach and that he shall be at the door of the Arms of Amsterdam at nine o clock on friday morning next.

We Shall charge the amount of the articles bought by your order on your private acct. and mind to put the invoice into the trunck. Shall we paÿ the coach now or by your Excellency return.

We are much obliged to your Excellency for the preference you give us in executing the commissions you have occasion for, and we take the liberty to recommand us in every respect and we assure you, we shall have the greatest care for the concerns you be so kind to trust to our application.

We have the honour to be with the greatest Consideration & esteem Sir Your most obedients & very Humble Servant. Wilhem & Jan Willink

RC (Adams Papers). Filmed at 20 Oct., Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 358.

To Wilhem & Jan Willink, 15 October 1782 JA Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) To Wilhem & Jan Willink, 15 October 1782 Adams, John Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business)
To Wilhem & Jan Willink
Hague 15th. Octr. 1782 Gentlemen

In Answer to the Question contained in your Favor of yesterday, I would observe, that I must depend upon Post-Horses and Postilions on the Road, and shall have Occasion for the Amsterdam Coachman and Horses only as far as Utrecht. But You will have the Goodness to desire the Coachmaster at Amsterdam to write to some Person in Utrecht to procure me a fresh supply of Horses when I shall arrive there. For the Remainder of the Journey I must take Post Horses.


It is at your Choice, Gentlemen, to pay the Hire of the Coach now, or upon my Return.

There is one favor more, Gentlemen, that I have to ask, and that is, that You will be kind enough to furnish me with a Letter of Credit to some Banker at Paris for Cash to bear my Expences while there.1

With great Esteem, I have the honor to be, &c

LbC in John Thaxter's hand (Adams Papers).


In the Adams Papers, dated 18 Oct., is a letter from Wilhem & Jan Willink to the Paris banking firm of Van den Yver Fréres & Co., introducing JA and requesting that it render whatever services JA required and furnish him with funds to be debited against the Willinks' account. JA picked up the letter at Amsterdam on the 18th, having left The Hague on the previous day to begin his journey to Paris, where he arrived on the night of the 26th. JA's departure did not go unnoticed. On 22 Oct. the Gazette d'Amsterdam reported that, after taking leave of the States General and the stadholder, JA had left for Paris on the previous Thursday, the 17th, leaving C. W. F. Dumas as chargé d'affaires. A translation of that report appeared in Parker's General Advertiser and Morning Intelligencer on 31 October. For JA's account of his journey, see JA, D&A , 3:29–37.