A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Tuesday 22d.

22 January 1861

Thursday 24th

24 January 1861
23 January 1861
Wednesday 23d.

At the House. The debate was continued. Mr Etheridge made a speech which seemed to make a great impression upon the House, and drew down three or four rounds of applause from the galleries. In the midst of it Mr Cassius M Clay sent for me and at once went into a long and earnest exhortation to the adoption of measures originally offered by me in the Committee. He said that he regarded the safety of Kentucky as depending upon it, which would otherwise be swept off into the vortex with the other states. He said that he had sen Governor Magoffin and of the legislature of Kentucky, and that they would almost unanimously support these propositions. He begged me therefore to take an active part in their support. I told him what my desires had been and how they had been foiled. That there had been no hearty disposition to accept them manifested, and that in consequence I had no disposition to stand in the light of a rejected suitor. But at the same time, if he (Mr C) could get any general expression of sentiment from the Governor and the Legislatures of Kentucky, like that indicated by him, I should not hesitate to guarantee to him the necessary majority here to carry the measure. He said he wanted to see other members, and asked me to name such as were disinclined which I did. By this news I lost most of Mr Etheridge’s speech. At home we had company to dine. Mr and Mrs Foote, and Genl and Mr Wilson of the Senate, Messrs Kenyon and Beale, and their wives, Messrs Eliot and Verree of the House and Mr Windom, and Dr Palfrey. Judge Kellogg of Illinois and Mr Longnecker of Pennsylvania did not come. The dinner was lively and pleasant. And the parties did not leave until quite late.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d023