A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Friday 22d

22 February 1861

Sunday 24th

24 February 1861
23 February 1861
Saturday 23d

Mild and cloudy terminating in heavy showers of rain. I walked up to the House but got there soon after they had begun taking the Yeas and Nays upon the Oregon War debt. Not being particularly anxious to record my name in favor of it I did not regret my tardiness. We then went upon the Tariff bill of last winter which has been returned from the Senate with a great variety of modifications. Much resistance was made to it, not without reason, for we had not any bill printed by which we could comprehend the alterations. At last it was agreed to meet at ten on Monday, and consider it until one o’ clock in committee. We then took up the Indian appropriation and discussed it until fire when we adjourned, and I came down in the Omnibus in the rain. I was suffering from a headache until quite late in the evening. The news today was that Mr Lincoln reached here this morning at six o’clock, and was met at the Station by Mr Seward and Mr Washburn, who took him to Willard’s Hotel. As this was a surprise, it created some speculation. The rumor was that it was designed to thwart projects of a mischievous kind at Baltimore, to waylay or assassinate him. In the evening I went down to see Mr F. P Blair who was staying at his son’s this evening. Some talk on the present condition of things. Mr Blair incidentally said that he had strongly recommended me for Secretary of State, when he hoped Mr Seward would go to England, and finding that Mr Seward was selected for the former, he had since urged my being sent abroad. I replied that I was much obliged to him, but that I was well content with my present situation, and sought no other. The truth is that this noise has been revived again, and Messr Alley and Buffinton told me they were going up once more to make a personal representation to the President elect on the subject. I said there were welcome to go, but that I had no personal wish for their success.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d054