A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Tuesday 2d.

2 April 1861

Thursday 4th

4 April 1861
3 April 1861
Wednesday 3d.

This day had been fixed upon by Mr Alley and Mr Rice for the adjourned meeting of the Massachusetts delegation, so I started before ten o’clock and walked to the house of the latter in Union Square. We assembled quite promptly, and only Mr Sumner of the Senate, and Messr Delano and Bailey of the House were absent. Mr Burlingame110 attended in the place of Mr Appleton. We spent the whole day in consultations, and discussions. The bestowal of the post office on Msr Palfrey had very touched Mr Rice whose engagements to friends in that sharply contested district were probably extensive, and who had been thus deprived of the only patronage in it. He was therefore extremely anxious to be considered in the disposal of the other places in the city. The delegation seemed well disposed, but it was not so easy to regulate the selection of the men. I called little about most of them, but my mind was fixed on Dana as District Attorney. The voluminous petitions fortifying the claims of several prominent candidates melted like wax before the warmer arguments of geographical necessity. So Messr Weston and Otis disappeared before the warmer arguments of geographical necessity. So Messr Weston and Otis disappeared before Dr Phelps, the disappointed candidate for Postmaster in this District. Messr C B Hale and Comyns equally yield to Mr Ezra Lincoln, as assistant Treasurer. But the real struggle was upon the Navy agent. Mr Rice wanted it for a friend of his, Mr Thompson, whilst Mr Gooch had already secured votes enough to command the recommendation for Mr Norton. Mr Train carried the place of Marshal for his friend Keyes, and not without effort I overcame the quiet resistance to Mr Dana as District Attorney. With the exception of a minor place or two, this covered every thing. But it took until nine o’clock at night to complete it, and then Mr Rice was not comforted. He however succeeded in defeating Mr Comyns, which was a compensation. On the whole, the results arranged pretty creditably. I walked home, rejoicing to be rid of this unpleasant duty.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d093