A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Monday 13th

13 May 1861

Wednesday 15th

15 May 1861
14 May 1861
Tuesday 14th

In consequence of our fatigue we were not up very early to breakfast. Mr Dallas called with his son before our meal, to say that knowing of my probable arrival he had conferred with Lord John Russell, who had in a private note to him agreed upon Thursday as the day for my Audience of the Queen, and had fixed this day at eleven for a private conference at his own house with us. To that end he had come to ask my company to wait upon the minister at once. Having accomplished breakfast I set off with him. But on enquiry at the door, we were informed that Lord John had left the city early in the morning for Woburn, the seat of his brother, the Duke of Bedford, who was very ill. Thus we were disappointed and we drove from thence to the legation at Mr Dallas’s, residence in Portland place, where I examined the books and papers and conferred with Mr Dallas on several matters of form. It is clear to my mind that I cannot agree to take his house, and therefore I am driven to look for one elsewhere. At this season which commonly sends up the price of all lodgings very high I am hardly likely to find much that is eligible. From thence I returned to my lodgings where I had visits from sundry person. The most interesting man was Mr W. E Forster, the member of the House of Commons, who came to talk with me concerning the course of our government, and the mode of meeting the motion made by Mr Gregory, the member from Galway in Ireland, touching an early recognition of the confederate States. He deeply regretted the language used in debate by Lord John Russell138 but he expressed his firm belief that he did not express the Sentiments of the first Minister, Lord Palmerston, or of a Majority of the Cabinet. He wished me very much to see Lord John, in order to impress him somewhat with the right notions concerning the temper of the American people. He feared that a proclamation was bout to be issued which, by directly acknowledging to the Slave States as a party establishing its right by force if necessary would tend to complicate affairs very considerably. I expressed the hope that the paper referred to would not be so immediately issued as to debar me an interim, before it would be actually launched into the world. At any rate I trusted that the language might be carefully revised. He said that he should endeavor to impress this upon such of the friends of the Ministry as he might meet. In the mean time he was about to prepare to meet the question as about to be presented by Mr Gregor of Galway in the House of Commons on Thursday. To that end he would like to have me come to see him at breakfast on Thursday morning. I accepted the invitation. I had many other visits from people of all sorts and letters and applications enough to confuse my faculties. Every thing is going on at the same time in our parlor, which stimulates my desire to secure a house as soon as I may.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d134