A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Wednesday 22d

22 May 1861

Friday 24th

24 May 1861
23 May 1861
Thursday 23d

The weather seemed to threaten but no rain came of it. I had the customary application as to make it difficult to appropriate time to my own affairs. In this way my Diary falls behind-hand in spite of my every exertion. I went out with Mrs Adams to return many visits and to make some purchases. We visited a large collection of old China of Seres and Dresden and Berlin ware, for the purpose of purchasing something for the young couple at Quincy. It is singular how the great wealth of this country is rapidly attracting to it all of the works of art and elegance to be found on the Continent. In this repository is to be found whatever can be obtained at the sales in every great place in Europe, to be resold here at great advance— And what is true of China is equally true of sculpture and pictures, of tapestry and lace, and all sorts of luxuries. I also went to look at houses, but with less and less prospect of fixing upon any thing. In the evening Mrs Adams and I went by invitation to the house of Miss Coutts again to hear portions of Hamlet read by a german of the name of Fechter who is now performing to great acceptance at the Theatre. There might have been three or four hundred people seated in her large room, but few of whom I know, and the few were only some of those I met yesterday. I afterwards learned that the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of London with other dignitaries were present, but there was little chance afforded of making acquaintance. Mr Fechter on the whole read pretty well, though obliged to struggle with his accent, and with a rather declamatory tone very common among continental readers. With these exceptions he read impressively and naturally—

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d143