A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Tuesday 4th

4 June 1861

Thursday 6th

6 June 1861
5 June 1861
Wednesday 5th

Cloudy and threatening rain. Yet Msrs Adams and I had fixed upon this morning to go to Twickenham, so that we decided to persevere. Our carriage broke down on the way to the Station, but we mounted what they call a fly and succeeded in reaching the South Western terminus in season. Our object was to visit a school kept by a Mr Scalé, which has been recommended to us for Brooks. The distance is about twelve miles through the same country I crossed to reach Richmond the other day. Having arrived at the Station we took a carriage and drove to the place, a rather pretty building in the middle of cultivated grounds. We found Mr and Mrs Scalé apparently zealous and laborious in the task of keeping fifty or sixty boys in good order. They have been so strongly recommended to me that I made up my mind to try the experiment with Brooks. It is plain that city life separated from associates of his own age would be injurious. He needs methodical instruction and steady discipline157 And as to care and comforts when I look back upon what I experienced at Dr Nicholas’s in Ealing, this looks like perfect luxury. Brooks seemed to be well pleased with his visit, and so we agreed to send him on Monday next. We returned to London by two o’ clock, stopping on our way home to call on the speaker and his Wife. We were admitted as she was at home. She showed us through the suite of rooms provided for him whilst in Office. They are in harmony with the building, stately rather than magnificent. We dined by invitation with the Duke of Newcastle, the Minister at the head of the Colonial Office. A small company, of whom I only discovered the Earl of Clarendon, his Wife and two daughters, the Earl of St German’s, and Lord and Lady Bingham. I think the Duke had two or three sons at table. We had quite a pleasant little set at the head of the table, of which Lord Clarendon was far the most lively. After dinner he talked with me in the most friendly manner of matters in America. He expressed surprise that we could have doubted the disposition of this country. I gave him the reason which he answered very much in the way Lord John Russell dined. In truth I think the disposition has improved of late, and if we can establish our power it will not waver again. The declaration of the government shutting up the ports to prizes closes one of the worst gaps made by the proclamation. We got home about eleven o’clock.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d156