A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Sunday 18th

18 August 1861

Tuesday 20th

20 August 1861
19 August 1861
Monday 19th

We left Matlock Bath quiet early. Under other circumstances I think I should enjoy its profound repose and its picturesque vicinity. The hotel tu is of a more domestic English character than we have seen. But as it is I was glad to get away that I might be more within reach of London. Our train took us to Rugby, and thence another carried us to Warwick, the scenery around which is the great object to be seen. It is in the complete preservation, which is seldom the case with the old edifices of the middle ages. This was mainly due to the fact that Lord Brook was on the parliament side, at the period when most of the owners of such strongholds were sacrificing them in the defence of Charles the first. The site directly on the arm is very striking. all warlike appearances are gone, and now it is merely a private residence beautifully fitted up, in the midst of pretty grounds. The rooms are filled with very fine pictures and curious and valuable antiquities, acquired mainly by215 the father of the present Earl of Warwick, who somewhat impaired the estate by his outlays. The effect on a stranger is certainly imposing. Some very fine the portraits by Van Dyke and Holbein, as well as pictures by Rubens and Titian and Rembrandt and even one by Raphael, though not of his best. In a greenhouse built for the purpose is the famous Warwick Vase dug up at Hadrian’s Villa near Tivoli. On the whole I have seen nothing of the kind so complete in itself as this is. The town itself tu is really ancient, having many of the old style made with frames of oak wood, filled in with brick, and lattice windows. But here as every where, even the oldest buildings are in very good repair. There is no appearance of dilapidation. I received a letter from Mr Moran inclosing a copy of a letter from Lord Russell betraying another turn of the wheel of my singular negotiation. This will render a thorough exposition of the whole indispensable. I shall not however return as the matter will keep at least until the close of the week. We are well lodged at the Warwick arms, though the house is old.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d231