A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Tuesday 20th

20 August 1861

Thursday 22d.

22 August 1861
21 August 1861
Wednesday 21st

We took our leave this morning of the pleasant neighborhood of Warwick, in the midst of the popular excitement attending to the expectation of the Queen’s passage through the place on the railway on her way to Ireland. Our trip was quiet and we reached Oxford by two o’ clock. The place has not the same attractiveness that Cambridge has, though it is larger and indicates greater wealth. Having no time to lose, we at once set about visiting the Colleges. The first was Magdalen, about which there is much of architectural as well as historical interest. The court of the Quadrangle in which the preacher had a stone pulpit in the wall to discourse from occasionally, and that of the next, adorned with allegorical figures carved in stone, and the most quaint conceits along the cornice bring one back to ancient times, when life was more a thing of faith and less of hard reality. The Chapel has some fine glass ancient and modern, and a good picture of Christ bearing the cross, the authorship of which is not quite settled. The grounds218 are spacious, and in them a walk is shown as that which Addison used to pace when he lived here. From this college we walked through a very fine avenue of ancient elms to Christ Church, the most munificently founded of all the score of corporations here, dating its origin with Cardinal Wolsey, a man of great ideas. The hall here has an interesting serious of portraits of distinguished persons connected with the College, which we could only examine very superficially. Two or three other as hasty visits passed left us so fatigued as to carry us home after a brief ride around the town, to show us the great extent of the public buildings and their variety. In fact this place to be really seen would require a couple of weeks. But I am so uneasy at my absence from my duties, that I cannot spare more than one other day. Indeed the anxiety which pervades my mind in regard to public affairs impairs all my relish of this kind of amusement.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d233