A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Thursday 17th

17 October 1861

Saturday 19th

19 October 1861
18 October 1861
Friday 18th

I had expected that this would be quite an easy day, but matters accumulated upon me so fast that I did not succeed in getting through with them. I wrote several private letters for the Steamer. The Secretary of the Mexican Minister at Paris, M La Fuente called to see me to announce the arrival of his principal, and his earnest wish to see me at any hour I would name. I expressed my satisfaction on his arrival, and named ten o’clock at which time they both came. In the mean while I had sent Mr Wilson to the foreign Office to make sure of the audience from Lord Russell at a quarter of five which had been offered, but257 which I could not accept by reason of my worst of intelligence from Paris. M la Fuente is a small, middle aged, dark complexioned man with rather a thoughtful countenance. He speaks only Spanish, and hence the necessity of the young man as an interpreter. He began by asking me questions in relation to my intentions to Lord Russell, the proposal of the United States, and its reception. I gave him a brief narrative, and defined the point to which I had brought it, the disavowal of all purpose of domestic intervention. I then asked him some questions in regard to France, and the disposition of the Spanish party in Mexico to which he gave me brief answers. He closed by asking my good will, and I offered any services in my power. They then took leave. This matter is yet by no means settled. It is one of the worst consequences of our division at home. Spain is creeping out of her shell again, and striving to weave once more her web over her ancient professions in America. The wickedness of this rebellion is daily appearing in stranger light to the world. I barely go through by dark. I then took a walk with my daughter Mary. Quiet evening, reading Whitelock.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d291