A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Tuesday 3d

3 December 1861

Thursday 5th

5 December 1861
4 December 1861
Wednesday 4th

I am much engaged now in writing letters in answer to anxious enquiries from far and near. The visits are likewise numerous. Two gentlemen from Manchester called to ask my opinion about the probability of their being able to fulfil orders for goods from the United States. I gave the all the light I had, which is nil. Mr Forster was here for some time and agreed to return to dinner. Mr Leslie, the late Chief Clerk to the Secretary of war who has just come in the Persia gave me his impressions of the opinion at Washington upon this unfortunate difficulty. He believes there will be no serious difficulty in making a settlement, and is clear that he act was not authorized. He told me of the new proclamation forbidding the export of arms. Mr Schuyler then came in, and announced his return to the United States on Saturday. He has accomplished his purchases on the continent and transmitted all with the exception of a quantity at Birmingham which will probably be stopped by this last proclamation. Thus it is that these English measures always come down upon us, whilst the rebels are lightly dealt with. Is this collusion or is it accident? Mr Forster at dinner talked without much courage. He finds the feeling here very high and scarcely knows how to combat it. The thing hangs so on a hair that no man can be sure of not shaking it down.303 after he left Mr Morse came in. He told me of the activity of the rebels, of the refitting of the Nashville, and of the position of the law question. None of these things very encouraging. He also spoke of the current of popular opinion and of the position in which he found himself placed. He is more exposed to such breezes than I am. But to all of us any thing would be more pleasant than a long suspense terminating in the same way.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d338