A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Tuesday 14th

14 January 1862

Thursday 16th

16 January 1862
15 January 1862
Wednesday 15th

The effect of the removal of the case of the Trent on my mind is not a little singular. It leaves me with an impression of nothing to do. The Mail came from the United States this morning bringing many despatches but they all seemed utterly without interest. I had few private letters. One from my son John is full of bitterness to this country. Doubtless she deserves it for the intense selfishness of her policy. Lord Palmerston is the type of that Anglicism of the last age which has made the country the odium of the world. Yet there is a leaven of better feeling in the great body of the nation which ought to be taken into account by an American before the makes up his mind to condemn the whole. My object must be to cherish that as a preservative of peach through our state of convulsion. The day was rather absorbed by the American newspapers which are on the whole moderate. NO great activity apparent in the war. On returning from my usual walk I found a note from Mr Weed begging me to call immediately at his lodgings to see Mr Peabody, who desired to consul me. I went accordingly. Soon afterwards Mr Peabody came. He told me that he contemplated making a donation to the city of London, as the foundation of an Institution of charity for the poor. To that end he had drawn up a letter to the Mayor which he desired to read to me. I assented, and he read it. Mr Weed had himself given another draught which did not appear to have suited him— And he was evidently desirous of getting Mr P to put into my hands to frame. But I saw his fondness for his own offspring, bad expressed my satisfaction with it. The only defect in it, the disclosure of a little too much selflove is exactly that which he would least cheerfully see erased. And yet it is the part which a friend should most certainly leave out. I contented myself however with an assent to his proposal to put it in the hands of a committee of his friends of whom I was to be one, and in case of their approval I was to send it with a letter of my own to the Lord Mayor. It was agreed that the gentleman should come to my house tomorrow at eleven. Mr Parkes was here in the evening.11

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d015