A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Wednesday 26th

26 February 1862

Friday 28th

28 February 1862
27 February 1862
Thursday 27th

Cold easterly wind. I prepared several additional drafts of Despatches, and one or two letters. Mr Field called to see me, and brought the amended form of his letter Lord Russell. It was an improvement without being what it should be. His industry and perseverance are entitled on applause, so that I am willing to advance his objects even if not presented in the best manner. I agreed to send his memorial forthwith which I did. After luncheon I went out to look at a house in Cavendish Square which has been to let ever since I got here. It did not suit me at all. So I am afloat. Mr Fitzgerald, my landlord called on me, and rather gave me to understand that his Wife desired to resume the occupation of the house in May. A walk with my daughter, rather chilly and uncomfortable. Mrs Adams and I went by invitation to dine with Mr Thomas Baring, the head of the famous house which has now for so many years been noted all over the world. The company consisted of Lord and Lady Lyveden, Sir Edmund Head, Sir David Dundas, Sir William Alexander, Sir Francis Baring, Sir James Colville, and one other gentleman whose name I did not gather, though he reminded me that he had been named to me at Mr Bates’s at Sheeve in December last. I was much interested in Sir David Dundas and Sir Edmund Head, educated and lively conversation. The first of the two had more of animation than is commonly found among Englishmen. He is of the Scotch family of Lord Melville, Pitt’s intimate associate. His views of his country prior to 1780 are not more flattering than Macaulay’s. They demolish all Walter Scotts airbuilt castles about the highlanders. The dinner was the more recherché and the most lively that I have been present at. After we rose and returned to the Drawing room where we found Mr Baring’s gallery of pictures open. It is difficult to judge of it in a few moments, but I saw at once many that were well worth of study and admiration. We took leave, in order to go to Sir Henry Holland’s where there was quite a gathering, and some music. Home by midnight.40

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d058