A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Friday 18th

18 April 1862

Sunday 20th

20 April 1862
19 April 1862
Saturday 19th

Just one year ago this day took place the mob and assault on the Massachusetts troops at Baltimore which began the war. Precisely how we stand at this moment it is not yet given me to know. But down to the latest dates it is a cause of thankfulness that we have made a great advance from our lowest positions Then the governmnent seemed on the verge of dissolution, the capital adn the Administration liable to caputre,and all the slave states about to consolidate themselves into a system fatal to the maintenance of fire Institution in America. The scene is certainly changed. The government is vigourous and energetic, the people are united and determined, the war is pushed back into the heart of the rebellious states and the question is of their and not our salvation. I await anxiously the intelligence now on its way. Nothing beyond the usual routine today. Received letter from Paris saying that Mary’s consultations with a dentist rendered a delay or until next Monday necessary. I telegraphed my assent through I think dentists are quite as apt to be charlatans as medical men. I feel my solitude in London much more than I do at home. The people are singularly repulsive. With a very considerable number of acquaintances I know not a single one whose society I should miss one moment I saw today an acquaintance from Quincy, Dr Saville and a Mr Wheeler of Boston. They are on the way to the continent. He told me of his service with the Quincy company, of his return, of his marriage and excursion to Europe. Casually glowing at a Boston newspaper afterwards I saw a notice of the marriage. The lady is a daughter of Mr Carruth of Dorchester. A long walk and dinner alone, after which I went to the opera at Covent Garden. I had what is called an amphitheatre stall, up in the skies, though apparently very respectable. It was a good place both to see and hear, though at a distance. The play Verdi’s Tuvatore, much better gotten up then I ever saw it before. I also acquired a fuller conception of the plot which is one of those absurdly tragical affairs that seem to be the taste of the age. The orchestra excellent. As a whole I enjoyed it.80

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d109