A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Thursday 22d.

22 May 1862

Saturday 24th.

24 May 1862
23 May 1862
Friday 23d.

The day spent for the most part in writing my private letters home. To effect this I deny myself to visitors. M. Van de Weyer however came up to say a word about the state of the question respecting the Scheldt dues. He wished to know how my government felt about it. I recapitulated to him precisely what I had done in my communications with Lord Russell, and what his answers had been. I added that my government had directed me to say that though not much interested in the questions, it would cheerfully do whatever might be judged wise, by those nations who were nearest and most directly affected. I remarked however that Lord Russell had dropped something about a commercial treaty as the antecedent to any action on this subject. Mr Van de Weyer agreed to this, but said that it was of use to get first of all a recognition of the principle of compensation. He then asked me something about an invitation sent to me by the Duke d’Aurnale to visit him on Wednesday last. I explained my reasons for declining, and the course my answer had taken. There is something a little singular in this business. I must seize an early opportunity to pay my respects there. After my week was done I walked down to see Mr and Mrs Bigelow and to invite them to dine with us tomorrow. They were hesitating about returning tomorrow and finally decided to stay and accept. He said his delay had been affected by the solicitation of M Laugel, the Duke d’Aurnale’s Secretary to have him go out there on Sunday. This too is strange. Mr Sohier dined here. In the evening Mrs Adams and I had Henry went to a reception at Mr Senior’s. Not very full, but a good many cultivated people there. Home by midnight.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d143