A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Sunday 25th

25 May 1862

Tuesday 27th

27 May 1862
26 May 1862
Monday 26.th

On Saturday evening I received a note from Lord Russell in answer to my claim for its restoration of the Ship Emily St Pierre. This makes necessary on my part a careful and elaborate reply, which gives me some anxiety. The responsibility of my position presses me more and more scarcely, from the fact that this government never thinks of the expediency of giving me some relief by the smallest manifestation of good will in act. In answer to my long series of complaints based on serious grounds of dissatisfaction though perhaps not admissible on technical grounds, I can not recollect a single instance in which there has been the slightest indication of disapproval whatever of the action110 however notoriously fraudulent. I was engaged all day in preparing a reply. I had however several visits from Americans which interrupted me more or less. And my physical condition is somewhat deranged. The news from American today furnishes more indications of progress. The town of Norfolk has been abandoned and the famous Steamer Merrimack blown up. This of itself is a great event in the war, for it restores to our control the only great naval depot of the slave States, whilst it cuts up by the roots the schemes of erecting a naval force which might have had vigour for a time, though it never could have really prospered. The coast is now pretty much all obtained, as well as the outlet of the Mississippi. The forces of the conspirators are moving inland in the hopes of continuing the struggle on more equal terms. The Slave element will now begin to play a greater part. The ring is made. The fugitive can escape whichever way he may terms, and the fields must go uncultivated from whence he flies. Without the shedding of any further great amount of blood, time alone is needed to determine the event. The Slaveholder must submit or starve. Mr Sohier dined with us, and in the evening Mrs Adams had her weekly reception of Americans. As usual there were more English than others. About forty persons.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d146