A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Friday 30th

30 May 1862

Sunday 1st

1 June 1862
31 May 1862
Saturday 31st

Cloudy, but it did not rain. I had some newspapers to read, and some arrears of business to bring up. A man by the name of Mitchell came to see me about getting to the United States. He has been in an insane asylum here for many years but is now released and poor and homeless. He seemed in his right mind, but a good deal agitated.113 I could do little more for him but to give him a trifle in money. At two o’clock there was a meeting of Mr Peabody’s Trustees to consider the matter of the trust deed. Much discussion on various passages of the new draft, and it was concluded to refer the thing back for a new one. The lawyers bid fair to get a good slice at the start. In this country forms control every thing. A lawyer was called up to give his advice, but it seemed only to complicate the matter. The main difficulties some the insertion of a clause subjecting the elections of Trustees to the confirmation of the Master of the Rolls, and the specification of powers. It seemed in both instances to be superfluous. We parted at four, as I was the then bound to go to Chiswick with the family to attend a reception given to all the world by Lord Granville, at Chiswick, the old seat of the Duke of Devonshire. Sir Emerson Tennent went with us. There was a great crowd of distinguished people when we could only recognize. The place is flat but laid out with great beauty in the English Style. The grass and hedges and trees were superb. It wanted only the sun to give it brilliancy and cheerfulness. We could not stay long, as it was difficult to get away, and we were bound, to be back in season to drive at Mr T. Baring’s. Company Mr D’Israeli and Wife, and two or three others, Count Brandenburg among the rest. Mr Baring’s dinners are always luxurious, but this was not so pleasant or intellectual as the last. Mr Milnes asked if there was truth in a manner of General Hallach’s defeat. I had received the telegrams by the Australasian which made no mention of it. From here we went to Lady Derby’s reception. Here too I heard the same rumor, and Mr Tricompi asked me if it was true. I made the same answer. But as it was evident that there was a good deal of speculation on the subject I gave up the plan of going to Lady Palmerston’s and we went home before midnight. No such intelligence had been received. It had been a fatiguing day, and I was glad to get to bed.114

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d151