A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Sunday 22d.

22 May 1862

Tuesday 24th

24 May 1862
23 May 1862
Monday 23d.

My mornings are now for the most part filled by visit of Americans passing through London. Very few have any object but merely to call. One gentleman, a Russian by the name of Bahennine, escaped from Siberia, brought me a letter from Mr Agassiz. He came with a friend who wanted to give him a protection as a resident in America; on the ground that he had declared his intention to be naturalized. As he is a refugee, it is obvious that this might bring up at once a question of a serious character, like that which happened some years since in the case of Coszta. I replied quietly apprising him that my power to give passports to citizens, and that the government had distinctly excluded from that class such as had not completed the term requisite to become such. The friend then said he had had such a protection from Mr Sickles and likewise from Mr Belmont in Holland. I doubted their authority to give it and at any rate pleaded a later decision of the government to put a stop to it. The friend showed great vexation and persisted in the diamond so that at last I spoke quick to him, denying my power to act. It was plain to me that there was some project underneath which I had crossed. They took their leave at once. I read a little of the American newspapers but they hurt my eyes so much that I must give them135 up. The most curious developement they make is the publication of an intercepted letter of Mr Rost giving the substance of an interview with Mr Calderan Collantes, the prime minister of Spain. It betrays the fact that as well in France as in Spain these commissioners so called, have fared but poorly service the issue of the battle at Fort Donnelson. There is now little prospect for the rebellion outside of American. The destruction before Memphis of what remains to them of a fleet, and the possession of that point seems to be the loss of the Mississippi and the division of the revolted States. What now remains but Richmond? A few days will determine the duration of the war even there. But after that is over., the come the knotty problems connected with slavery. I took a walk and enjoyed the return of fine weather. In the evening Mrs Adams had her customary reception. About sixty people, mostly persons lately arrived.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d174