A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Saturday 12th

12 July 1862

Monday 14th.

14 July 1862
13 July 1862
Sunday 13th

A pleasant day. Attended Divine service at the Portland Street Chapel. The falling off in the attendance indicates the departure of Mr Martineau on his summer vacation. The services were performed by Mr Hutton the same person whom I found officiating in August when I first came to attend here. On my return home I had a succession of visits.151 Mr Peabody came to bring the book which he has prepared as a memorial of his benefaction. He seems much delighted with the issue of last week, and thank me very formally for my speech at the Mansion House. One difficulty attending these efforts is that they draw upon me more invitation. Mr Parkes came in also to have some talk over the news which as usual he insensibly makes annoying. Mr McCullagh came to discuss present prospects, and the policy of the government here. I asked him respecting the bitter attack on Lord Palmerston in the News. He attributed it to Mr Goldwin Smith, and though it indiscreet. He also considered the debate in the House in which Mr Cobden had a passage with Lord Palmerston as not judicious, for the day had gone by when his hostility could avail. Lord Palmerston now balanced himself by the support of the Tories, who would not really move against him let the wishes of the leaders be what they might. The danger now was that he could snatch at some popular expedient to confirm his strength. Mr McCullagh was in hopes that the rumored alliance between Russia and France might tend to give his mind a new direction. But there was no counting upon him. At any moment he might bring on a difficult by some private, unauthorized act of his own, which would plunge his colleagues and the country into a war without the possibility of resisting it. I made no reply, but my mind could not help contemplating his sudden onslaught the other day upon me, as an illustration of the remark. I discovered upon the drift of the bad feeling between the countries, and how desirable it would be to check it. But I despaired of my ability to persuade the Ministry here to give a single book upon which to hang an instrument of counteraction. Mr H T Parker followed him and his object was only to get news of which I had none to give. The Steamer due is said to be likely to be late, having lost part of her motion strength whilst on the way out. I took a walk with Mary. Evening, Mr Morse came to see me, and I discussed with him the proper course to take with the vessel fitting out at Liverpool.152

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d194