A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Saturday 11th

11 October 1862

Monday 13th

13 October 1862
12 October 1862
Sunday 12th

Cloudy with rain until evening when it cleared. This house is very pleasantly situated on the bank of the Wharfe river, the view of which through the trees is pretty and picturesque. I walked about a mile with Mr Forster to the Church where was service to a very small attendance. The curate, Mr Black has tendencies to High Church which make him unacceptable. Mr Bruce joined us in making home. The remainder of the day in conversation. Much speculation about Mr Gladstone and his speech. Mr Forster talked about the probabilities of recognition of the rebels, and ought to make the government here aware of them, before they committed themselves. I said I had been thinking of it, but waited to see how far Mr Gladstone should appear to be sustained. Much literary conversation afterwards with him and Mr Bruce whom I found a very well read and sensible gentleman. He resides in South Wales, for some place in which, Merthyr Tidrille, he sits in Parliament. He is preparing for publication the papers of Sir William Napier, whose daughters he married. And he read to us many interesting extracts from them.214

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d285