A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Saturday November 1st

1 November 1862

Monday 3d.

3 November 1862
2 November 1862
Sunday 2d.

Cloudy with fog as usual. My son Brooks has come home from school covered with boils. Sir Henry Holland was called in, and he describes it as an affection of a carbunculars character which has been very common of late years all over Europe. He attributes it to some external influence, and therefore thinks it demands no treatment. In the mean time poor Brooks is much exercised, and for a wonder has become taciturn. Attended Divine service at the chapel in Portland Street. Mr Martineau officiated, and preached a good sermon on the objections commonly made against the Unitarians that their doctrine is one of negations merely. Undoubtedly there is force in the argument, but it has just the same force against every form of dissent to the Church of Rome. The Church of England has no right to raise such a question, for its negation is of the least enable nature of all, for it attaches to whilst it yields to the most doubtful points. It is more resting in matters of the law where negation is less vital, and servile in matters of faith which embrace the substance of religion. It would be quiet as easy for me to subscribe to the Roman doctrine as to that of the thirty nine articles. This is the best discourse I have yet heard from Mr Martineau. As my daughter was alone with me I did not stay to the Communion. I had a visit from Mr Bright, and we talked on american affairs. I read to him an able letter of Mr Seward to Mr Dayton, a copy of which has been furnished to me. Mr McCullagh also came in and talked for a little while. Judge Lewis of Pennsylvania and his daughter dined with us. His quite a pleasant man. They have been spending the summer in Europe and now return.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d306