A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Monday 3d.

3 November 1862

Wednesday 5th

5 November 1862
4 November 1862
Tuesday 4th
Tunbridge Wells

The morning was pleasant and I took advantage of it to go out with Mrs Adams to inspect the place. We went to the parade, a quaint kind of an alley where the chief spring it to be found. The water is not unpleasant, having only a taste of iron left in the mouth. We then walked through the grove or public walk home. There is little company here new, it being quite of the season which is August and September. I like very much the look of the place, which is more broadly laid out, and prettily built over than is common with English towns. At noon we took a carriage and drove to Bayham Abbey, about six miles. The country is very pretty all the way. Here is a ruin close to a residence of the Marquis Camden, who owns an extensive domain around it. Aobut as much remains as of Glastonbury. The situation is pretty, though rather low and damp. The edifice seems to have been erected by the Sackville family, and looks better now in the picture than in the reality. This was the estate of the Sackvilles, but the house is modern and ordinary. It is not shown. We drive back through Fraut a very picturesque town. After our return I took a walk passing over Rusthall common to see the toad rock as it is called. The pedestal is more curious than the rock itself. The resemblance from one point of view is better than the picture. From here I went on to what is called the High rocks, which are large and heavy boulders standing together as if the ear th had some time or other cloven away and left them all exposed. Though it was dark I went round to the top, but the trees were tick about, and there is no view. It seems to have been turned into a place of resort and recreation and sixpence is charged for admission to see it. I then walked home making not less than five miles. Quiet evening at home. Read a part of Mrs Juchbald’s simple story.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d308