A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Friday 20th

20 March 1863

Sunday 22d

22 March 1863
21 March 1863
Saturday 21st

I was in full expectation of a little leisure today, but somehow it did not appear until a late hour of the day. In point of fact I was compelled to devote some time to the work of bringing up the arrears of my Diary, which I fail to bring up on the evenings when I am invited out ,and come home late. My spirits are also failing me a good deal, as the public indications grow more threatening. The course of the wealthy classes is turning the scale in America against us. They are recovering from teh shock occasioned by the public manifestations of the popular sympathy, and are doing by indirection what they cannot effect directly. The only thing which would really check them, military success does not come at our call. I took quite a long walk. In the evening I went with Mrs Adams and Mary to Sir Emerson Tennent’s to dinner. A party of twenty one, of whom I knew not many. I was presented to Mr Whiteside members of Dublin University quite a pleasant man, Mr Mackinson also a member, and Lord Hobart. Afterwards there were some other persons and a little music. I was rather sorry to leave this friendly and hospitable house in order to go to the chilly one of Lady Palmerston. But on account of our peculiar difference I do not feel as if I could decline her invitation. I did not see Lord Palmerston, and there were so many of my acquaintance there that it was much more tolerable than usual. Among others, Mr Hayward, whom I had not seen for a long while. He said he had been to the continent as far as Constantinople. Had seen Mr Mottley at Vienna, who was still uneasy. He took occasion to compare his irritability with my calmness under either fortune much in his old style. He looks badly. The manner is so courteous to me, that I have no personal reasons for complaint. We got home before twelve.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d080