A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Tuesday 31st

31 March 1863

Thursday 2d.

2 April 1863
1 April 1863
Wednesday 1st

My first visiter this morning was Mr Morse, who came to ask me about the suit and the progress of things with this government in connection with the outfits of the rebels. I gave him the answer which I had received from the Treasury Department and the copies of the notes which had been sent for the trial. He gave me a copy of a letter from Messr Bennett and Wake, explaining the game played in the case of the Peterhof, about the capture of which they are making some little noise. I said I would take it with me on my visit to Lord Russell today. My next visiter was Mr Saml R Yonge who announced himself as lately Paymaster of the Alabama, and now ready to take the oath of allegiance and to disclose any information which I might with to have. Last evening Mr Dudley had shown me a letter of this mans, which had come to him from other sources, by reading which I was not entirely unprepared to meet him. He sailed in the Steamer on the 29th of July last and continued in her until her arrival at Port Royal in Jamaica when he left her and came here the Liverpool in Ascalon. Evidently there had been some difference and he was now penniless and anxious to go back to America. I expected Mr Dudley here at noon, and when he came, after a brief consultation, I decided to have his deposition taken forthwith and to authorize Mr Dudley to take charge of him and send him home. He took the oath of allegiance at the Legation. At half past three I was at the Foreign Office by appointment. Lord Russell seemed at a loss to know what I wished until I reminded him of my purpose which was to exchange with him the ratification of the additional article to the Treaty for the suppression of the Slave trade. This was promptly done. His Lordship seemed not inclined to open any other topic and last of all the Peterhof, so I took my leave. Walked from there to pay a few visits; one especially to see Mr and Mrs Bentson. They were at home. He is intelligent and thoroughly American. He showed me some pretty paintings of his brother in law, which are to go to the Royal Academy. I was a little belated, and had to drive home to be in time for dinner. Mr Forbes and Mr Walker, the Editor of the news dined here.331

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d091