A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Saturday 4th

4 April 1863

Monday 6th

6 April 1863
5 April 1863
Sunday 5th

The telegram from America brings no decision news, but the general effect is much more encouraging than usual. The public confidence in the issue of the struggle appears to be rising. One great military success would now do it, but I fear that we are not reserved for such an issue. Perhaps the other is the better way. The most remarkable circumstance is the steady fall in gold, which has now been equal to thirty per cent. It is not quite easy to ex­333plain the causes either of the rapid rise or of the sudden fall. Both may be perhaps accounted for by confidence or the want of it. Attended Divine service at the Chapel. A person officiated whom I did not know. His sermon was appropriate to the occasion of Easter Sunday. It was upon the question whether the revelation of a future life was made exclusively by Jesus Christ, or was to be found either in natural religion or in the Old Testament. The subject was well opened but the conclusion failed to be adequate. A defect not uncommon in sermons. In the afternoon I walked with my son Brooks to the Zoological gardens which I have not visited for some time. The day was cloudy and windy, and the beasts were chilly and in doors. I saw a whelp of a lion, almost as large as a middle sized dog. The keeper brought it out, and showed it to the people. It seemed mild and tame. I received today a note from Lord Russell announcing to me that the government had determined to stop the Alexandra. This is so favorable a sign that my hopes revive of maintaining peace. Possibly it comes too late. There is a great difficulty in the action and reaction between nations, when the conciliation falls into the wrong from step to step through the vicissitudes of this great trial. May the Lord keep and preserve us from the effects of our sins and errors as a people. In the evening, I read to the family some chapters from Mr Kinglake’s book. I also read the article reviewing it in the Edinburgh Review.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d095