A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Tuesday 14th

14 April 1863

Thursday 16th

16 April 1863
15 April 1863
Wednesday 15th

Mild, summer weather. A visit from Mr Dudley who brought me two Depositions of seamen who returned from the Virginia, which I shall send to Lord Russell. He tells me that the government is conducting an investigation into the case of the Alexandra and that the Solicitor General has directed prosecutions of the guilty parties. But there is little heart in the pursuit, and he doubts whether it will come to any thing. He read me a letter from a person who had talked with one of the person implicated. That person had said that it would all come to nothing, for they had the sympathy of the official people. I have little doubt he is right. But at any rate it is well to cause delay and inspire uneasiness. I wrote answers to many notes, and took quite a long walk. Had company to dinner, consisting of Mr Milner Gibson, Sir Henry, Lady and Miss Holland, Sir Charles and Lady Lyell, Mr and Mrs Romilly, Mr and Mrs Laugel and Miss Chapman, Mr and Mrs Lampson, Mr Aspinwall and his son, Mr Forbes, and Mr Milman. Although the company was not assimilated, it did very well. Mr Gibson talked of the death of Sir George Lewis, which took place whilst he was above at his place in Wales. He said that it was a great loss to us, as he had generally exercised his influence in the Cabinet for our benefit. I recollected his prompt answer to Mr Gladstone in October last, which helped to restore the equilibrium. I fear that the difference may soon make itself perceptible. Matters are daily approaching a crisis, and the turn of a die may send me on my way home, with the countries on the brink of a conflict. The parties left at about eleven o’clock.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d105