A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Tuesday 12th

12 May 1863

Thursday 14th

14 May 1863
13 May 1863
Wednesday 13th

The weather was fine early in the day, but it rained later. I attended with Mr Moran and my son the Levee of the Prince of Wales on behalf of the Queen. A large attendance, though much less than on the previous occasion. The Corps Diplomatique with the exception of Mr Moreira, whose absence is significant. I came round the circle as usual to Lord Palmerston, but he was in a stiff mood, and bowed formally. I know not what could have turned up since Saturday. He looked very old and feeble. A fact which was remarked upon by several people. In the course of an hour the members of the corps had so far slipped away that I took the liberty to leave. This process is easy, and amounts to nothing. Tried a walk with Mary but was driven back by the rain. Dined with Mr and Mrs Forster. The company consisted of Dr and Mrs Lushington, Mr and Mrs Arnold, Judge Wightman and his daughter, Mr Evarts and Mr Dicey. Rather pleasant than otherwise. Mr Evarts talked a good deal but not quite in the right strain. He is a little disappointed in failing to get into the Senate which gives a querulous tone about things in America which will recommend him here and do us little good. Doubtless many defects are palpable enough in our system but so they are in everything that is human. To speculate on them in a purely philosophical way is legitimate enough, but to give food to malignant constructions in a hostile country is hardly wise. Mr Evarts of course intends nothing of the kind. Dr Lushington is a very clear headed and friendly old gentleman who would scarcely do harm. It is quite remarkable how many men of advanced age retain the vigour of their mental power s and remain in active life, in this country. Lord Lyndhurst only yields in the body. Lord Bringham yields most in mind, but areyes well in both respects. Dr Lushington is best of all, whilst Lord Palmerston does not fall behind Except in the Judiciary, this is not here marked with us. Judge Wightman I have never met before. He is of the Queen’s Bench and I should think about sixty five years old. Mr Arnold is a sister of Mrs Forster. He sat next to me, and I had a good deal of pleasant conversation with him.367

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d133