A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Sunday 31st

31 May 1863

Tuesday 2d.

2 June 1863
1 June 1863
Monday June 1st

Clear but cool. I spent my morning in bringing up various arrears of work. Drew up a form of note for Lord Russell on the delicate point of Sombrero island. I have of late had a season of repose in my correspondence with him. My friend Moreira the Brazilian Minister has asked and received his passports. The arrogant tone of the British government makes itself visible always to weaker powers. The opportunity is a fine one for us if we only know how to seize it. Walk with my daughter. Dined at Mrs Washington Jackson’s. A large company of whom I knew but few. They are transplanted Americans who thrive rather better than most people. Sir William Clay there who talked to me about Mr Roebuck and his motion in Parliament, for a recognition of the rebels. Just now it will scarce make a fortune for him. Roebuck is a reputation marquée. And as a consequence he strands himself more and more. We left this to go to Lady Lyell’s. Rather late there. An eclipse of the moon visible as we came home.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d152