A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Tuesday 25th

25 August 1863

Thursday 27th

27 August 1863
26 August 1863
Wednesday 26th

As this is one of the most noted spots in the Highlands I was somewhat inclined to remain ever, and visit the neighborhood. But the aspect of the sky this morning seemed so unpromising that I decided to move towards Perth where the programme for the future was to be fixed by the nature of the reply of the Duchess of Argyll to my note proposing a visit to Inverary, which was to be found at that place. Previous to our departure however, I went to visit the grounds of the Duke of Athole which are open to the public. A guide conducted me to the ruins of the Cathedral which are rather interesting, and thence along the banks of the river for a distance limited only by my want of time to pass in seeing them. This makes but a very small part of the immense domain of this nobleman extending northward and westward over miles of solitude, where deer and grouse are made to take the place of men. The natural beauties of this valley are great and they have been heightened by art. The trees are large and old; which is rather an exception in the highlands. The Duke himself is fast going to a region far beyond the limit of his domain, where the professions of this world will not avail him to maintain his state. His life appears to have been a blank. After this visit we went on to Perth— A letter was there received from the Duchess which decided us to go on to Inverary. The first step however was to go to Glasgow. So we took the train at two o’clock and went on. We passed through Stirling once more, making447 the fourth time I have seen the striking position of that castle. At Glasgow we resumed our rooms at the Queen’s Hotel. I accompanied Mrs Adams to the Cathedral, as she had not seen it on our last visit. The uses made of the spacious crypts and Chapels underground in Catholic days rather puzzle me. I have seen none like them any where else. This is almost the only thing to be seen at this place as an antiquity. The town is populous and full of industry but the operations look poor and dirty and careless. As a whole, the Scotch poor look to me rather more repulsive than the Irish, of whom we see so many at home. Quiet evening.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d238