A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Friday 16th

16 October 1863

Sunday 18th

18 October 1863
17 October 1863
Saturday 17th

The tenor of the news from America is rather discouraging. I suppose we must expect this after a reverse like that in Georgia. As yet however we have lost no ground. It remains to be seen whether the government has energy and power enough to save any loss hereafter. Much depends upon it. My morning was passed in writing letters and notes of various kinds, the arrears of the week. Afternoon called on Mrs Singleton in whose behalf the Duke of Argyll wrote to me. She has a wild son in America, who enlisted in the cavalry for three years. She wishes to get his release. More than two years of his turn has expired, and I doubt whether the release can be had much before the end of the third; but I offered to send on her representation to the Department. She thanked me very profusely. Called on Mr Collins to apologize for having forgotten to write a line to Mr Milner Gibson for him as I promised last week. I brought it with me. He said it was in season, as she could not have used it. Indeed his application is taking a new turn towards the Hudson’s Bay company, which renders it wholly unnecessary. From thence I went to see Mr Steroms about some autographs of General Washington which had been sent to me from Baltimore. He said he had heard of three other persons who had received them from the same source. He wished them sold at five points ten each. They might fetch five shillings if not in too great number. They consisted of obsolete checks on the Branch Bank of Baltimore. I thanked him for the information, as it enabled me to answer the writer. Dined with Mr and Mrs Bentson The company consisted of Mr and Mrs Ritchie, Mr Laugel, Miss Weston and Miss Chapman Mr Reade, the urnlist, two Messr Lehrman, brothers of Mrs Bentson, and Dr and Madame de Mussy. The dinner was luxurious as usual, but rather dull. It being a fine night, I walked all the way home.485

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d290