A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Saturday 24th

24 October 1863

Monday 26th

26 October 1863
25 October 1863
Sunday 25th

Toleraby clear. I went to the city by the Metropolitan railway as usual, and attended service at the Church of St Lawrence, Jewry. This is the largest of the many edifices planned by Wren after the fire of London, and with the exception of St Stephens Wallbrook is I think the finest. The same general features carried out more perfectly with an abundance of ornament that imparts a richness wanting in other cases. The pulpit is placed between the windows as at St Swithin, but the small gallery is opposite, whilst a fine spacious organ fills up that opposite to the altar. This and the pulpit are of wood richly carved, and the pilasters with entabulature as well as the ceiling are carried out with abundant ornament. The services were much in the usual way. The Clergyman preached a sermon on prayer, developing some of the difficulties with its efficacy, but not meeting them. The great obstacle to all progress in such discussions is the inability of private man to comprehend the extent of the power of God. I can believe prayer to be efficacious without in any way conceiving the how, the when or the where the result may be brought about. There may have been fifty worshippers, besides the charity children. I notice that in these city churches, the banns of matrimony are seldom declared, a pretty good sign of the absence of young people. In the afternoon I walked on to Kensington gate to see Mr and Mrs Morse. He is just recovering from one of his attacks, which come more frequently. I advised him to change the air, and work less. He said he though of giving to the Isle of Wight. He seems to me in a critical state. On my return home to dinner I found the telegram, announcing the result of the elections and the retreat of General Meade. The same is decidedly favorable, whilst I was rather prepared for the latter. The verdict of Ohio against that pestilent traitor Vallandigham will do much to maintain the character of the people. I am still proud of their pertinacity in upholding the great principles at stake in this contest. Much as it may cost the country, the alternative is only still more to be dreaded. The arrogance of slave mongering rule must be broken or there will be never be peace. Quiet evening, reading Dr Phillimore.490

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d298