A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Friday 27th

27 November 1863

Sunday 29th

29 November 1863
28 November 1863
Saturday 28th
St Leonards

This was more of a leisure morning than customary at St Leonard’s, and the first of the kind I have had here. I amused myself reading Leigh Hunt’s Autobiography. But at noon Henry made his appearance from London with letters which were rather in the nature of a hint that I had passed the limit of my weekly allowance at the seaside. The escape of a Steamer purchased by the rebels from the Royal dockyards at Sheerness brings with it the duty of making a representation to the government. I concluded that I would not go back for it, but I drew a form and sent Henry back with it. He brought other papers which gave me subjects to think on. The period of calm in this Legation cannot endure a great while. This is one of the instances of fraud and trickery which these rebels resort to here in the very teeth of this government, but which they do not resent as they would if we were to attempt it. There is moreover strong ground for believing that much connivance and even positive aid has been given by the people belonging to the royal gard. We must bear it, I suppose; but we can scarcely be expected to forget it. Walk, and reading Hawthorn in the evening. His style is easy and simple, carrying with it some satire and yet sufficiently mixed with kindness of hear to qualify its sharpness. The impressions of English life and society are not unfavorable on the whole, though in some particulars the accuracy of the picture is calculate deeply to wound the British sensibilities. A critical notice of the book which appeared in the Times a few days since betrayed the vexation given by the very patronising air of commendation which it affected. The only objection I find to it is the sameness of the manner of treating every thing.511

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d332