A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Friday 5th

4 March 1864

Sunday 6th

6 March 1864
5 March 1864
Saturday 5th

I forgot to mention in my record of yesterday that in the course of my short walk I called on Mr Bates. He spoke incidentally of the matter of the Sanitary Commission which enabled me to put in a word in favor of the organization proposed here. He seemed very much opposed to soliciting any aid from the English. I said that no such step had been contemplated. If it has been, I should not have approved it. If Englishmen were disposed to offer voluntary assistance, it might be gratefully received, but soliciting it was entirely out of the question. This seemed to soothe him. He seems tolerably morning. I had this morning a visit from Mr Bowles to report progress, and to shew me the list of persons engaged in his plan. It embraces nearly every American in London. Worked on arrears of my Diary which of late has become painfully expanded. I hope that this peculiarity is now over. Mr Evans and his son were at luncheon and spent much time. Charles and Henry went into the city. I stole an hour or so for my numismatic studies I am now for the first time attending to the weight of coins, having obtained some good595 scales. The weather chilly with rain. Walked around the outer line of the regent’s Park. Dined with Mrs Adams and Mary at Sir William and Lady Clay’s. Another company of whom I knew nothing. My next neighbor at table was a Miss Smith, a respectable looking old and very plain lady, the daughter of Horace Smith of the rejected Addressed. Next to her was an intelligent lively person whose name I caught as Henley. Though presented to some of the rest I lost their names. Miss Smith however was very talkative so that the dinner was better than usual. I was presented to Lord and Lady Belper, who were very civil. Sir William Clay, like Harcourt Vernon was dropped out of this Parliament, and evidently they feel the want of the amusement. Charles had dined at Mr Cardwell’s in the same square, so we all went form here to the reception at Lady Palmerston’s. In spite of the weather, it was very full. The crowd had little of interest however. We did not get home until one o’clock.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d065