A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 26th

26 March 1864

Monday 28th

28 March 1864
27 March 1864
Sunday 27th

I found myself again suffering from a severe cold in my head. This is the third I have had since January came in. It is so many years that I have been clear of them, which I have attributed mainly to cold water bathing, that I am a little disturbed by this change. The day was chilly but clear. The water was frozen in a thin sheet in some pools under my window. I went with Brooks to the city, and this time we took the church of St Vedost in Foster lane. This is one of Sir Christopher’s planning, and the effect on entering is extremely pleasing. On the whole I knew of no church that has given me an impression of warmth and cheerfulness more than this. It is a parallelogram, broken honour by a range of stone columns on the south side, thus giving three aisles. The light from the north side is abundant, not to speak of the windows at the east in which are modern stained glass paintings of the transfiguration, and of the angel appearing to Mary. The ceiling is simple, and yet not bald, being enriched with a heavy cornice. The altar is rich with awnings in wood, light and elegant, yet grave and suitable. The pews and panels and pulpit of dark oak, adorned with carving. Perhaps the greatest defect is a heavy sounding board, close over the pulpit which would have been better away. The service was much as usual, excepting the portion appropriate to Easter. This includes the Athanasian Creed, that farrago of impiety and nonsense. The preacher made an exhortation suitable to the season, to induce his parishioners to partake of the communion and to contribute to the poor box. At615 the same time he alluded to the fact that in this most comely and inviting church, there were few hearers and no poor. In point of fact there were not more than forty people, a very small charity school, and no seats in the head aisle as is common elsewhere, for the accommodation of the needy. Yet I perceived a considerable array of leaves of bread evidently intended for distribution after service. What a pity that such a fit edifice should be so entirely thrown away! We returned home, and enjoyed a very quiet day. No visits but from Sir William and Lady Ouseley. Had a pleasant walk afterwards. In the evening, we had visits from Mr Ehringer, Mr Somerby and Mr Edge.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d087