A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 9th

9 April 1864

Monday 11th

11 April 1864
10 April 1864
Sunday 10th

A really fine mild morning, but as with us in America the East wind came in to chill the air by noon. I went to church in the city, at St Catherine Cree, which I succeeded in finding this time. This was one of the buildings not burned down in the great fire, but it has been so often repaired and charged as materially to alter its character. It originally was manifestly Gothic, and consisted of a simple interior with a body and two aisles—a high and rather flat roof on the centre, falling square so as to give clerestory windows and then spreading equally to the walls of the building. Originally the supports were doubtless the clusters of pillars and the lancet arch—but then had been removed and in their place was the round Roman Arch and Corinthian columns. This admixture of styles would probably drive a martinet into fits, but I confess I rather liked the effect. There were very few worshippers The services good; the sermon on the text “God is love” treated in a mediocre manner. Holbrin is buried here. But the most interesting historical association with it is that here it was Archbishop Laud attempted to introduce his forms and observances which brought upon him the bitter resistance of the Puritans until he paid for it with his blood. There was a very dark stained glass windows over the altar, and large windows on the sides given an abundance of light.628 The panels and pews and pulpit all of dark oak, giving reckless and gravity to the whole. I though it well worth visiting. After my return home. I decided to drive out to Pembroke Lodge to see Lord Russell, as he asked me to do yesterday at the Court. Mrs Adams accompanied me. We got there at about four. Found nobody there visiting but Sir Charles Wyke. Many however came in afterwards, of whome were Count Apponyi and his Wife & son, Mr Bille, and his Danish colleagues at the proposed conference: Baron and Baroness Blome, Count Wachtmeister, Mr Sabenoff and others. My object was only to ask Lord Russell about the case of Mr Canterwell, the person appointed Consul for Dublin. In accordance with my version of the understanding is an last conversation I had written privately to Mr Seward of the objection of the Government to him. I had received a private answer to the effect that if his Lordship would say however informally that he should prefer some one else, Mr Seward would agree to nominate any one whom I might select and he approve. Meanwhile things might remain in their present way. I gave the message and also explained that Mr Cantwell had written to me reminding me of an early promise to let him know the answer, and at the same time informing me that Sir Somebody O Loughlin, an Irish member had called at the foreign office to ask about the Exequatur, and had been told it had been refused, and the reasons for the act given to me. Naturally he had written to known why I had failed in my promise. Lord Russell said that the report unfavorable to Mr Cantwell came from the home office I might understand that it was decisive. I said I should then so consider it, but that I was not remedy to nominate a successor. If it were agreeable to let the present temporary Officer Mr West, remain for a time, I should be glad. He assented to this, and so the subject dropped I barely touched on the case of the Kearsarge, and the effect of his latest papers sent to me last night in discrediting all its nature. His Lordship expressed a poor opinion of the depositions, but he intimated that a know of persons in the House of Lords, consisting of Lord Derby Lord Donoughmore and others seemed to act as agents for the confederates, in plying him with attacks which he was obliged to transfer to me to get explained. I have always supposed that629 much of the labor that falls upon me is traceable to the party strategy of the Tories against him. I barely touched the old point of Mr Seward, the opening of the ports but I saw at once that it was too heavy a load for this ministry: and I said no more. We then walked out about the place over which all were scattered. The attitude of the respective representative of the belligerents seemed so awkward that we determined not to stop for two but drive directly home. After dinner, the usual Sunday evening visits. Mr Holton, my Wisconsin host, Mr and Mrs Sterns and Mr Palmer.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d101