A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 30th

30 April 1864

Monday 2d

2 May 1864
1 May 1864
Sunday 1st

On this day, three years from my departure from Boston on this mission, I open another book, having filled the large one which I had caused to be made inconveniently heavy in the expectation that I might comprise within the space, a record of my whole residence in England or at least the remainder from the date of its commencement. So it was notable. Even this volume, of smaller dimensions may be required for that purpose. I commence it with more of fear that hope. For the prospect is not bright of my immediate release. The Despatches from America came after breakfast. They contain less than usual of any kind. But the general news is unsatisfactory. And there is evidently a preparation for another conflict of arms which may seriously complicate whatever prospect there may be of a settlement. I went into the city to church, with no definite destination. Brought up at Allhallows in the Wall. This is an old church build on the line of the ancient wall, but reconstructed about a century since as it had become dilapidated. It is rather like a Chapel than a Church;plain on three sides, with a gallery over the entrance, to hold an organ and choir. On two sides are Ionic pilasters to break the surface, and to appear to support an arched ceiling, ornamented with heavy mouldings, and coloured blue. On the east end, is worked a semicircular opening the same curved style, to admit the altar, and let into the wall is a picture of Paul restored to sight by Anaias, copied by Dance from the original by P de Cortona. The attendance was small and poor looking. The services performed by an old and mild looking person, who read them well. Sermon not much. There is a tablet to Belve the translator of Herodotus, and the archdeacon, Nares, was his successor in the living. The interior looked shabby and neglected, a rare thing in these days of restoration. Afternoon a walk with Mary in the Park and to the Zoological gardens, where were crowds drawn out by the fine weather. In the evening, we had visits from Mr Goodrich on a visit from Brussels, Mr Parkes, and Mr and Mrs H. T. Parker.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d122