A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Tuesday 3d.

3 May 1864

Thursday 5th

5 May 1864
4 May 1864
Wednesday 4th

Rainy and chilly. Henry informed me that Mr Dayton had arrived at Edwards’s Hotel from Paris last evening, so as soon as I could get through the business on my table I walked down to see him. I found he had gone out with Mr Evarts, so I repeated my visit a little later in the day. He looks worn and dull, but not so ill as from the accounts I had expected. In fact he takes no exercise, and when not harassed by public cares finds his relaxation in repose and smoking tobacco. This easily accounts for his condition. We talked somewhat on public affairs in France. He receives assurances in the sincerity of which he has no faith. He things the Rapahannock is permanently detained, and perhaps the iron clads stopped, but has very little hope of preventing the four gunboats from going. Some discussion of the situation of the Georgia, which has boldly steamed up to Liverpool, and has been received as if she had never4 committed any offence. I said that my fear was that the government had in some way or other disclosed its indisposition to take notice of it. Their condition was almost pitiable. And now they were in the most imminent danger of being plunged into a war in the north, without any party in the Commons adequate to sustain them. Mr Dayton though even this better than the specious professions and real malignity of the French sovereign. Returned home to dress for dinner at the new Solicitor General’s, Sir Robert Collier. The company consists in addition to my Wife and daughter, of Mr and Mrs Hutt, Lady Arabella Noel, Lord Henley, Mr Shaw Lefevre, Mr Bonham Carter, Mrs Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Moffat, and two others not known. As Lady Collier was too ill to come down, Miss Collier did the honors quietly and well. On my other side was Lady Noel who expressed great satisfaction is talking with me, but who really was pretty well engrossed by her neighbor on the other side. We went from here to a reception at Lady Waldegrave’s which was very crowded. Not at home until half past twelve.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d125