A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Friday 13th

13 May 1864

Sunday 15th

15 May 1864
14 May 1864
Saturday 14th

Received this morning a note from Mr Scott Russell to inform me that he had heard from Mr Yeatman. A very brief note, but the purport of it that his project had failed, partly he says owing to Mr Jefferson Davis, and partly to the personal and private interests of individuals. He should however write more fully; meanwhile Mr Russell requests me to make no mention of it. It never seemed to me natural to attribute to Jefferson Davis so much heroism as the former report implied. It is plain that the hope of ultimate success has not yet died out, and that the war must go on. I regret it, for the sake of us all; and am all afloat again as to the future. This was the day of another Drawing room. I went with Mrs Adams and Mr Moran. Colonel Bigelow joined us, and was presented. The assemblage about as great as in former ones this season, but composed of persons less known to me. Few ministers or their wives. Captain Pigeard, a naval officer of the French legation was presented to me. He has just came from a mission of examination into the naval and military condition of the United States. Had been any where and come home under a strong conviction that the struggle could end only in the subjugation of the rebels. They move now straining every nerve. This might give them occasional successes, but they could not14 affect the ultimate result. Much of his impressions had been received from the conversation of old French residents of Louisiana, who had heretofore sympathized with the insurgents. I said that this had always been my conviction. They would not hope to restore themselves. On their present position they could effect nothing but delay. Captain Pigeard intimated that his report would rectify many erroneous impressions in France. There was a Russian woman, Madame de Rinski Karahoff, presented, remarkable for the costliness of her national dress. Covered with gold lace and satin and jewels to an extent which looked positively laborious. Her face was of the Calmme Tartar description, with little of power, but not without beauty. I was glad to see this national specimen. We got away in an hour. I went afterwards in the carriage to see Mr Senior, and return to him his volume of Diary. Found him in his summer house, with a gentleman whose name I gathered to be Bemurs. He seemed much revived and sprightly. Much conversation on American and English matters. The only remark that struck mewas that the favorable impression towards the rebels was changing into prejudice against them on account of their conduct. In this opinion both joined. I expressed my surprise and some doubt. It is however a fact that the interest in our struggle is declining. Walked home through Kensington gardens. The day lovely and the foliage in its most charming state. Were I near enough I should delight much in these charming walks. Quiet evening, after this fatiguing week. Played whist with the children.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d135