A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 11th

11 June 1864

Monday 13.th

13 June 1864
12 June 1864
Sunday 12th

Went to church in the City at St Andrew’s by the Wardrobe, Blackfriars. This is one of Sir Christophers designing, and resembles in from some of those at the West end, rather than in the city. No architectural columns, but galleries supported by square beams, and the curved ceiling that gives lightness to and elegance to the upper region. Large windows on three sides, that ever the altar being filled with a representation in stained glass of a battle, which neither in subject, treatment or colour gives pleasure. It is mentioned as presented by a city dignitary, in 1862. Far better without it. The dark oak panneling and the pew and pulpit were in good keeping. An attendance of perhaps sixty people. Service as usual. Sermon the charity of a childrens47 Sunday School. Sensible and moderate. On coming out, I strolled over Blackfriars bridge to see the work going on there. On one side is the iron railway bridge which is opening to the Farringdon Street Station. On the other the old bridge which is crumbling so that they are about to rebuild. Between the two is the temporary wooden construction which is to save in the interval. Nothing impresses one so much with the notion of the wealth of this country as the sight of these ponderous enterprises treated as a matter of every day life. After luncheon, with the young ladies to the zoological gardens, where was much company. In the Regents park, the crowd was great listening to the band playing. My Despatches came just before dinner. numerous as usual, but encouraging. We had company to dinner, Mr and Mrs Aspinwall, Mr Bright, and Mr Trevelyan. In the evening, Miss Charlotte Cushman, Mr Weston, Mr Ehringer and a Mr Davidson from New York.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d164