A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Wednesday 22d.

22 June 1864

Friday 24th

24 June 1864
23 June 1864
Thursday 23.d

The morning newspapers announced that the conference yesterday discovered that nothing come of it. As the Times contained an intimation that the Ministers might explain matters, I decided, after the customary preparation of Despatches was over, to go to the House of Commons to hear any debate that might follow. On entering I found the body of the House densely packed with members, who had overflowed into the gallery reinforced by many Lords. I had difficulty in finding a seat until Lord Stanhope made room for me. The interest was great. But after passing through several minor matters, it turned out that in answer to a question from Mr D’Israeli, Lord Palmerston stated that the Conference would meet once more tomorrow. It would not therefore be until Monday that he in this House and Lord Russell in the other would be prepared to lay the papers before them, and make a statement. So my expedition was lost. After an early dinner,all the family got ready and drove to Strawberry Hill to a ball given to Lady Waldegrave. This relic of Horace Walpole is now in the hands of the daughter of a Jewish Opera singer, Such are the vicissitudes in life even in aristocratic hotbeds. Walpole made it an anomalous architectural museum. It has now been so altered and amended and cleared of its curiosities as to be54 more attractive to the youthful than to elderly people. There was a display of coloured lights on the lawns and in the bushes, and much elegance in the interior. A large collection of guests considering the distance. I knew but few however. Some questions to me about the Kearsarge, and a little conversation about the Danish matter. The latter is absorbing every thing else. Intimations that Mr Gladstone will resign in case a war policy should be adopted. The situation is certainly critical. We did not get home until three o’clock.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d175