A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Wednesday 24th

24 August 1864

Friday 26th

26 August 1864
25 August 1864
Thursday 25th

Rhyl is not a resort of fashion. The people whom I met on the back seem to be well to do persons from the middle classes in teh manufacturing and commercial region of Liverpool and Manchester. The Landlord of this Hotel, who is a German seems so much elated by my presence that his attentions are almost oppressive. I was busy all the morning in writing letters and Despatches. As Mr Moran writes that there is no pressure, I have decided not to return to London this week. Among other things I was obliged to write to Mr Seward, an apology for my son Henry, who declines to accept the offers of the post of assistant Secretary99 made meant by the advancement of Mr Moran. I cannot object to this decision of his, although to me personally it would have been a convenience to get rid of an appointment outside of the family. My term however is now drawing so near to its close that the matter has little intrinsic importance. After getting through with my work I joined the family in a drive through Rhuddlan, and St Asaph to Denhigh. This is a very pretty tract of Country known as the Vale of Cloyd. Though not by an means equal either to the Maudach or the Conway, I prefer it to that of Llangollen. We stopped at St Asaph to see the Cathedral. A neat, plain law building of much antiquity, but carefully restored and kept in perfect repair. Our main object however was to visit the ruins of the castle of Denhigh. The site is high and imposing, which marks the edifice as originally of Welsh construction. Edward built all his castles on the water side. It was probably a small nest of safety, but after the conquest, it came into the hands of a de Lacy, who enlarged it to the scale of the other castles of that date. It must have been formidable but it did not escape the hands of the general destroyer of these edifices, the republican commander, Mylton. It was however much dilapidated even before that time. At present it is difficult to make out the circuit or the different towers. We found it used as a place of amusement for parties on picnic excursions. The view from the highest point is very pretty. The return drive was pretty by another and a very pretty road.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d238