A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 3d.

3 September 1864

Monday 5th

5 September 1864
4 September 1864
Sunday 4th

Although I forgot it in the record, we did not forget at table yesterday the fact that we had been married thirty five years. I have always esteemed as Old Cromwall did, my lucky day, for it gave a turn to my life which prevented my sinking into sluggishness and speculative seclusion. A generation has passed in the interval, and our children are coming into or places. I dare not reflect upon the undue share of prosperity which has blessed us. unworthy as we are before God. I attended Divine service this morning in the City at the Church of St Catherine in Coleman Street. Some of the prayers always go to my heart, but more than ever, since the clouds have gathered so thickly over our106 beloved country. I cannot drive out of my mind the anxious phrase of Jefferson, that he trembled for his country when he reflected that God is just. And so it is with me, when I consider how great are my shortcomings. The services were by no means so impressive as those of last Sunday. The Clergyman’s sermon was a feeble commentary on the 103d psalm. This another of Sir Christopher’s erections and on the outside it remains much in the state he planned it. But the interior has been evidently renewed, and not in his style. The ceiling is all new, and a low and heavy wooden gallery has been carried across the windows nearly to the ends of the area. In spite of this change however, the effect of the interior was to my eye attractive and cheerful. The very large windows on both sides gave abundance of light, and directly above the altar in front was a stained glass window, having a copy of the picture of the descent from the cross by Rubens, which is in the Cathedral at Antwerp The sunlight threw out the colors, perhaps a little too brilliantly, but yet not ineffectively. Over the entrance door is a singular stone bas relief representing the resurrection. The attendance was above the average, and the people substantial. After luncheon, we with Mr and Mrs Kuhn and Mary to the gardens at Kew. A great many people there, but the air was soft, and we had a pleasant stroll through the flower beds, and shrubbery. Home before six— Quiet evening.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d248