A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Sunday 18th

18 September 1864

Tuesday 20th

20 September 1864
19 September 1864
Monday 19th

Quiet, pleasant day, without much incident. Mary came downstairs for the first time today. The Physician recommend it to her to take the air tomorrow. My time taken up in casual correspondence which appears to increase upon me, whereas the public business perceptibly declines. Went out early to see about the house at Ealing, the house agent for which is in Bond Steet. From thence I took a long and pleasant walk to the gardens at Kensington. The verdure is now completely restored. A visit from Mr George B. Chase, of Boston who afterwards dined with us, in company with Mr and Mrs Grinwald and his sister, Miss Gunnell, and Mr Jenkins. In the evening, I continue Pepys.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d263