A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Monday 26th

26 September 1864

Wednesday 28th

28 September 1864
27 September 1864
Tuesday 27th

My eye better, but much inflamed, and rather troublesome. Not a single Despatch this week. The newspapers less interesting than I expected. Lord Russell has at last written me a flippant unreasoning reply to mind on the case of the Deerhound, to which I replied today with great moderation, reforming the matter home for instructions. The difficulty with his Lordship is that he always writes with the arrière pensée, how he is to appear on his own dunghill. In a lesser degree the remark is likewise applicable to Mr Seward. Mr Quallett, the house agent came to see me at noon, and I finally closed with him for the house at Ealing. Mr Scott Russell also paid me a visit. He told me that he had reason to believe Yeatman to have gone some time ago to America in one of the blockade running steamers. He was certainly not at Paris. He inferred from what he saw in the papers that he was at work in the Richmond Enquirer. Mr Russell however had manifestly another object today. He had casually met with one of the Editors of the Times, he did not say which, and had an earnest conversation with him about the course of that paper in American affairs. From what he said he judged that the action was without system and with little basis of information.. And he evidently though that by some effort he might be able to bring about a change. I intimated to him my belief that the policy was adapted to the presumed notions of Lord Palmerston, and that all the mischief which it had produced in America was now irremediable. Nobody had regretted it more than I had, or believed it more false to the best interests of England. But so it was. Walk around the Regent’s Park. We had to dinner Mr G. B. Chase and two young ladies, Miss Grew and Miss Sturgis, the daughter of Henry. In the evening Mr and Mrs Abbott Lawrence.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d271